
12,532 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.14cph!

11 Months Ago
Merge from experimental
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
Skin bundle update
11 Months Ago
Skin update
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
11 Months Ago
GenerateRailLayout improvements CreateRailCostmap improvements
11 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
11 Months Ago
Added AutoCliffSplat and AutoCliffTopology parameters to monuments that can be used to opt out of the auto cliff generation
11 Months Ago
Subtracting 87935
11 Months Ago
Fixed ProceduralMapRailSimple using a tiny world size
11 Months Ago
train_tunnel_double_entrance_b implementation
11 Months Ago
Fixed rail network link missing from underground map
11 Months Ago
Added new rail entrance variant to cover higher terrain (fixes missing rail entrance on certain seeds)
11 Months Ago
Fixed weird circular / tight rail generation around rail entrances
11 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
Fixed train tunnel rail entrance sometimes spawning too close to monuments
11 Months Ago
Fixed rail link sometimes overlapping elevator shafts
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
When no second rail path can be found when connecting a monument to the rail network, try pathing to our first rail path in an attempt to merge them + reuse the existing path (better than having a missing connection)
12 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
12 Months Ago
Rail keeps more distance from monuments
12 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
12 Months Ago
Regenerating all rail splines
12 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
12 Months Ago
Improved ice_lake_3 terrain checks so it doesn't overlap train tunnel hatch entrance
12 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
12 Months Ago
Adding back prevSign workaround
12 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
12 Months Ago
Better TerrainPath cliff and decor topology handling
12 Months Ago
GenerateRailLayout paths rails closest to the ring rail first (so they aren't blocked by rails that start further from the ring rail) GenerateRailLayout cleanup for BlockedPointsAdditional TerrainPathConnect center point calculation fix in GenerateRailLayout Removing prevSign workaround from GenerateRailLayout
12 Months Ago
Pathfinder directional algorithm updated to new heuristic
12 Months Ago
PathFinder int overflow fix that led to crazy paths
12 Months Ago
Indentation fix
12 Months Ago
▌▋▄▄▍▌█ ▊▇▌▄█▇▋ █▆▉▉▍▌ █▉▋▆█▍▅▉▋▉▋ (▄▍▍▊▋▋▍ █▋ ▌▉▇ ▉▅▌▌▇▌ ▅▌▌▍▅▆▇ ▍▋▊▄)
12 Months Ago
Don't spawn train tunnel rail entrances if no above ground rail exists
12 Months Ago
Enforce larger distance between train tunnel stations
12 Months Ago
Train tunnel rail entrance nobuild volume
12 Months Ago
Train tunnel rail entrance can only replace train tunnel grid pieces that are replaceable (i.e. not underground train stations)
12 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
12 Months Ago
Merge from experimental (rebase)
12 Months Ago
Tweaked MaxDepth and MaxFloor for caves in World Setup
12 Months Ago
Underground environment volumes now forced underground during placement Underground and building environment volumes now prevent overlaps during placement MaxDepth, MaxFloor, MaxCount are set in inspector
12 Months Ago
More prefab work (dungeon volumes, environment volumes)
12 Months Ago
Procedural cave piece tweaks Removed well_a, b and c pieces from procedural caves since they cannot be climbed back up
12 Months Ago
More procedural cave piece prefab setup
12 Months Ago
GenerateDungeonBase / AIInformationZone NRE exception fixes when some stuff isn't set
12 Months Ago
Added procedural cave generation to World Setup