
12,539 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.14cph!

9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Procedural river / road parameters are exposed in the generation scripts (for roads these will eventually be defined by the road connection nodes of monuments)
9 Years Ago
Fixed rivers occasionally going through monuments
9 Years Ago
Fixed monument fadeout noise occasionally leading to floating objects
9 Years Ago
Fixed some cave_small prefab fuckups
9 Years Ago
Fixed monuments occasionally messing up rivers
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Server size / seed / salt convar writeback
9 Years Ago
These look like they can be deleted
9 Years Ago
Dropped item rigidbodies correctly copy drag and angular drag if specified
9 Years Ago
Coverting a bunch of world model colliders to primitive colliders (should fix items falling through ground)
9 Years Ago
Increased sheet metal building part base health to 750HP
9 Years Ago
Config file loading debug output
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-359
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-345
9 Years Ago
LightLOD performance regression fix
9 Years Ago
Developer tools for the F1 panel
9 Years Ago
Fixed tree skins missing from asset bundles
9 Years Ago
Client compile fix
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-351
9 Years Ago
AntiHack player damage verification is enabled by default
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-340
9 Years Ago
Convar graphics.lodbias is deprecated
9 Years Ago
Tree quality slider for the main menu performance options panel
9 Years Ago
Merge from tree-performance (LODing and culling optimizations)
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Tree benchmark tweaks
9 Years Ago
TreePerfTest exposes a seed for reproducible results
9 Years Ago
TerrainTreeBatch is now deprecated
9 Years Ago
LOD range tweaks
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Moved convar server.aihandlerms to ai.frametime Moved convar server.npcrickrate to ai.tickrate Greatly reduced AI frame time when playing in the editor (better testing perf)
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Removing some deprecated stuff from TerrainConfig
9 Years Ago
Tree benchmark scene Tree culling and LODing optimizations Tree quality convar
9 Years Ago
Autoturret nobuild volume no longer reaches beneath the turret (RUST-347)
9 Years Ago
Fixed external gates collapsing
9 Years Ago
Fixed detail texture scaling for the new rocks
9 Years Ago
Sign exploit fixes
9 Years Ago
Check antihack whenever players try to damage something (antihack.playerdamage convar, defaults to false) Added antihack.objectplacement convar to toggle object placement verification (defaults to true)
9 Years Ago
Melee weapon damage distance check sends message to player when rejecting an attack
9 Years Ago
Stability is now encapsulated into a StabilityEntity Doors, shutters and embrasures use the new socket based stability system Fix for RUST-164 and RUST-318
9 Years Ago
More fixes for lag exploits (RUST-315)
9 Years Ago
Fixed lag exploits
9 Years Ago
Hitting water greatly reduces the speed at impact Removed annoying up / down jumpiness when holding spacebar while swimming Reduced the percentage of the body that can be above water while swimming
9 Years Ago
Fixed RUST-310
9 Years Ago
Merge from New_Rocks
9 Years Ago
Nighttime reflection probe ground color fix
9 Years Ago
Fixed lantern stacking / hiding