
12,611 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.13cph!

1 Year Ago
Water explosion tweak
1 Year Ago
Underwater / water surface explosion effect improvements
1 Year Ago
Underwater explosion effects for C4, satchel charge, F1 grenade and beancan grenade
1 Year Ago
Water explosion effects for all rocket types
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Merge from save239
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Merge from save239
1 Year Ago
Fixing various deployable placement issues on tugboat, most notably the delay / desync on the placed deployables
1 Year Ago
Fixed computer station deploy issues
1 Year Ago
Additional deployables on tugboat: chippy arcade, photoframes
1 Year Ago
Additional deployables on tugboat: sandbags, concrete barricade, computer station, fireworks, lantern, secret lab chair, small picture frames and wooden sign, spinner wheel, tuna light, drumkit, piano, xylophone, skull fire pit, skull trophy, beach chair, beach parasol, beach table, beach towel, twitch rivals trophy, hobo barrel, xmas lights, pookie bear
1 Year Ago
Undoing "Autoturret is powered when its parent has engine on" to be safe
1 Year Ago
No longer deployable on tugboat: shotguntrap, autoturret, flameturret
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fixed previous udnerwater "fog" fix not applying for submarine windows
1 Year Ago
Compile fix
1 Year Ago
Fixed underwater view distance adjustments via WaterOverlay not doing anything
1 Year Ago
Fixed NREs on concrete hatchet and pickaxe viewmodels
1 Year Ago
Water drink prompt tweaks
1 Year Ago
Fixed shoreline wave normals never being applied to ocean (should only be applied on highest quality) Fixed fallback normals not being applied to lakes / swamps
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fixed being unable to place wooden ladder on cargo ship
1 Year Ago
Fixed MotorRowboat incorrectly implementing InitShared (without calling into parent version) Fixed door stacking on tugboat (guide still shows as blue, but door cannot be placed)
1 Year Ago
Fixed nested child deployables on tugboat
1 Year Ago
DecayEntity fix on tugboat deployables
1 Year Ago
StabilityEntity tweak on tugboat deployables
1 Year Ago
GroundWatch fix on tugboat deployables
1 Year Ago
Merge from save239
1 Year Ago
Cargo ship environment volume layer fix
1 Year Ago
Added water physics trigger to cargo ship (reusing existing environment volume)
1 Year Ago
Added environment volume to sewer branch (water physics issues)
1 Year Ago
Display waves even on lowest ocean quality (gameplay advantage if we don't do this)
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Added water.scaled_time convar (works similarly to UseScaledTime toggle on the old water)
1 Year Ago
Add water.scaled_time convar
1 Year Ago
Merge from save239
1 Year Ago
Compile fix
1 Year Ago
Merge from save239
1 Year Ago
Disable LerpBetweenPointsBool batching toggle if entity is parented Disable OnSkinRefreshStart / OnSkinRefreshEnd batching toggle if entity is parented
1 Year Ago
Skip stability check if entity has a parent (fixed doors on tugboat breaking due to lack of stability)
1 Year Ago
Fixed being unable to place doors on tugboat
1 Year Ago
Actually allow deployment of autoturret on tugboat
1 Year Ago
AutoTurret is on when parent has engine on AutoTurret cannot be connected by wire if it has a parent
1 Year Ago
Marking several deployables as deployable on the tugboat: BBQ, bed, campfire, chair, fridge, furnace, storage boxes, locker, mixing table, repair bench, research table, rugs, shelves, guntrap, sleeping bag, sofa, table, workbenches, autoturret, flameturret
1 Year Ago
Fixed LODComponent.ToggleDynamic issues
1 Year Ago
Correctly mark all LODComponent as dynamic on parented entities
1 Year Ago
Replacing per-socket setDeployableAsParent with per-entity ForceDeployableSetParent override (to support free deployment without sockets)
1 Year Ago
Fixed ServerProjectile NRE when hitting water