12,611 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.13cph!
Reverting Kayak, RHIB, Rowboat and SubmarineDuo prefabs to pre-merge versions from this branch
▅▇▇▆█▉▉▋ ▋█▋█▌▄▇▋▄.▌▋▇▍▇▆▅▄▆▇ ▊▅ ▅▄▇▇▆▍
InventoryTest.GetExchanges fix
Steamworks SDK 1.57
Add GetAuthTicketForWebApiAsync
Forgot to update a few steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll
GameServerTest.BeginAuthSession fix
InventoryTest.GetExchanges fix
GameServerTest.BeginAuthSession fix
Forgot to update a few steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll
Add GetAuthTicketForWebApiAsync
Added LODComponent.OccludeeParameters.ForceVisible to disable occlusion culling entirely for a renderer
▄▄▇▍▇▄▆ █▌▅▆▄ ██▅▊▄▋ ▉▌▌ ▍▄▅▍▌▍ ▉▊▅▊▌▉ ▉▄▋▄▆ ▅▉██ ▄▄▆▅▇ ▋▍▄▅ ▄█▉▍▅▍▆ ▄█▄▊ ▋▋███▌▇ ▇▉▌▉▄ ██▌▄▌▋▉▆ ▉▊▍▉▇▍▉▌▋▌
Optimized BaseEntity.IsOutside since it'll be called quite a bit more now
Fixed ModelConditionTest_Outside and ModelConditionTest_Inside returning incorrect results for triangle floors
Adding ModelConditionTest_Outside / ModelConditionTest_Inside
Adding placeholder conditional variants of shipping container floor for inside / outside
Fixed index mismatch on conditional model test when spawning creation gibs ("Shipping Container conditional roof building gibs inaccurate")
Fixed main skin object not being moved out of the way if conditional models were spawned (creation gibs partially occluded / Z fighting)
Allow sidegrading to building skins of the same tier for 20% of the original upgrade cost
Adding additional terrain anchors to powerline platforms in order to prevent floating placement
Add timestamping to signtool
No longer repair building block when sidegrading (changing skin without changing tier)
No longer reset building block rotate timer when sidegrading (changing skin without changing tier)
Don't play sound when pressing Q / E in radial menu on items that do not have Q / E options
Removing more unused code
Added Q / E indicators to pie menu
Removing unused code that was added for the previous UI (ContextMenuUI.SelectType and PieMenu.activatedOption)
Merge from building_skins_3
Set crunch compression to max quality on all skins
▌▉█▇▋▋█▉▆▉_▆▊▆▋▊█▊▆▌▌▋▅ ▌▊▉▊▅▄ █▇▄▉ ▄▄▍▅▄▇▅ █▉ ▄▋▊▊█▆██▋▄▉▄▍▇▊▊▌▌ ▅▊█ ▅▍▉ ▊▊ ▆▌▉█ ▇▄█▆▊▇▆▍ ▄█ ▋▊▋▇██▄▊▆▉▅▉▄▋▅▍▌▄ ▍▌▄
Place caves before road / river / powerline generation (fixes floating pylon edge cases)
Switch between skins using Q and E while pie menu is open
Added EnvironmentType.NoSunlight (add this flag to any other environment type when setting up an environment volume in order to completely eliminate all sunlight, like the train tunnels)
Added support to connect to server via query port (used by steam://connect URLs)
▋▄▇▆▄▉▋▄ ▊▄█▅+ ▉█▌▍▌▊▄ ▊▍▊▆ ▇▇ ▅▌▆.▇▆▊▄█▋▍▉▇▅▉▅▄▅ (▌▊▄█▅▋▋ ▅▋▅)
▄▍█▋▌█▊▉▋█ ▆▊▋▌▍ ▉▍▇▌▍▄▍▄▌▊ ▊▌▌█ ▊▄ ▆▊▉█▆▉▇ ▇▅ ▊▆▋▌▇ ▆▋▊ ▅▆ ▍▍▌▉▅▅.▍▊▄▅▉▋▅▅▇▍▍▆▇▊▄▉▍ ▋▆▌▅▆▉ (█▍▆▋▅▋▅ █▅)
Fixed weird sound loop when spam-clicking enable / disable building skins button while releasing right mouse button
Enable / disable building skins buttons are now triggered when releasing the mouse button rather then pressing it to prevent multiple triggers in a row when holding down the mouse button slightly too long
Fixed unnecessary GC when refreshing hammer radial menu
Fixed missing phrases for enable / disable building skins buttons in hammer radial menu
▋▍▉▌▇▇ ▆▉▄ ▊▆▍█▉▄▊▆ ▉▋▍▌▉█▄▌█ ▌▉▇▄ ▌▄▍▆▌▅▊ ▊▊▋ ▄▊█▍▉▌ ▇▄ ▉▋▆▅▄▋▉.▆▉█▄▌█▋.▅▄▋▆▄▅
▋█▅██▊ ▇▉▌ ▌▌▇▄▉▊██▇ ▋▅▉▄ ▄▇▊▅▅▆▌ █▅▉ ▅▆▅▄▄▆ ▆▊ ▉▅▆▋▉▅▊.▄▇█▍▆▊▇.▅▋▇▋▌▆
▆▅█▆▍▋ ▍▄▋ █▄▊█▍ ▍▋▄▋ ▊▌█▋▍▍▉ ▉▆▊ ▉▊▋▆▋▆ ▋▍ ▆▉▅▄▋▌▋.▊▄▆▇▄▆▇.▌▌▍▅▍█
▊▌▋▄▉▌ ▉▉▊▅▇▌▋ █▆▅ ▉▅▊█▇▉▋▊ █▌█▄▆▌▇.▄▇▅█▍▇▍.▍▉▍▉▅▉ █▇▍▄▅▆▋▇▅▌▋ ▅▄ ▄▉▊██▆▋ ▋▇▉▉▄▇▋ ▊▅▅█▋▇ ▆▅▄▌ █▌▄ ▄▄▌██ ▆▌▆▇▇▄▉▇
Small pie menu description fix when "sidegrade" is blocked
Can no longer "sidegrade" except from default skin
Resolved multiple skins of the same tier not showing