12,611 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.13cph!
Added "Assets/Prefabs/Reserialize Selected Prefabs"
Fixed spawn handler setting spawn population reference on the prefab instead of the instance (made purchased entities count towards wild entities)
EffectRecycle tweak to ensure we're not reimporting things accidentally on the build server all the time
Committing GameManifest LootSpawn generated files (build time debugging)
Committing some more prefab auto-updates
▅█▋▇▄▇▍▉ ▊▋▌▌▉ ▅▍▋▄▆▇█▍▍▊ ▄▇▄▇▅▉▋▊█▋ ▌▌█▇█ ▉▍▆ ▋▌▍▆▋▌▋▌ █▋▅ ▉▍▇▅▌▋▍ ▍▄▋▄▌▅ (▇▅▋▆ ██▊▋, █▅▆▅ ▋▋▊▆ ▉▇▄▄█▍▋▉ ▋▊▉█▉▌▉ ▊▍▌▌ ▊▄█▇▍ ▅█▄ ▌▄▄▅▄▆▋▉█▍ ▌▊█▇▆ ▉▌▍▅ ▅▊▊▉▅▌)
EffectRecycle tweak to avoid prefabs thinking they've been edited in DoPrepare when they weren't (probably doesn't do anything)
Moved ViewmodelClothing ForceLabel from OnValidate to DoPrepare
Moved Model ForceLabel from OnValidate to DoPrepare
Reserialized prefabs in Assets/Prefabs (counting 5355)
Reserialized prefabs in Assets/bundled/Prefabs/fx (all 1092 of them)
Explicitly running PreparePrefabs on all prefabs (only changed 8 files though)
Merge from prefab_build_optimizations (this doesn't do anything on its own, it's just an editor tool)
Added support for maxreceivetime to Steam Networking
Refreshed Prefabs.txt and Prefabs.unity for the SDK
Monument markers fall back to root game object name when phrase is not set
Added assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/monument_marker.prefab for custom map monument markers (displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string)
Disabled async Steam callbacks, tick them on the main thread instead
█▆█▄ ▄█▍▄▄ "▆▇▉▄▋▄▅▆▇▉▅▍▍█▍▌▉▊█" ▇▄▍▌▊▅▍▍▄▇▄ ▊▊▊ ▍▉ (▋▌▅▉█▌▉=▉)
Better ReimportPrefabs / ReserializePrefabs (maybe)
Added "Assets/Prefabs/Prepare All Prefabs" menu item
Added "Assets/Prefabs/Prepare Selected Prefabs" menu item
Added "Assets/Prefabs/Reimport All Prefabs" menu item
Added DoPrepare item to asset right click menu (good for testing)
Replaced PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType since it's obsolete and it doesn't seem to work entirely correctly anymore
Committing prefab auto-updates so the build server doesn't have to update / revert them every build
▄▋█▅▉ ▅▅▋▋▍_▍▉▇▌▌▋▌▋▅▆▍▌ ▇█ ▊█▅▄▆▅▉ ▅▌▆█▉▋▋ █▇▅▅▌ ▇▇ ▆█▉▇▍▋▆██▉ ▆█▄ ▉▄▄▅█ (▉█▋ ▊▅ ▇▇▄ ▄▇▌ ▄▋▄▍▄ █▄▉▊▆▇▇▋▇, ▊▆ ▅▊'▆ ▇▇▄▊▆▌▊▉ ▇▅ ▍▍▋▌▊▇▋ ▅█▍▅▄ ██ ▅▅▅▄ ▆█▄ ▆▇▌▄)
Added WeatherPresetType.Cinematic (never triggered by the automatic weather system, but can be loaded with weather.load)
Send replicated convars in ClientReady to ensure the level has already been loaded on the client (cc rohan, please double check)
Added wetness_rain and wetness_snow convars to adjust how wet players get
Climate.GetThunder NRE fix
weather.report now includes the exact parameters that are currently being applied to the sky dome
Allow weather.load while playing back demos
Send replicated convar initial state when starting a demo
Added rainbow support (currently disabled on all weather presets)
Fixed low thunder probability values disabling stormy rain and snow effects (any stormy weather should use these)
The first 3 weather seeds in the editor always yield clear weather
Early exit for weather.load / reset / report if climate instance is null
Weather type percentages / chances are all synchronized with replicated convars, can be adjusted on the server
Exclude lakes from mainland topology generation
▆▊▍██▇▌ ▇▊█▊▆ █▋█▍ ▍▋█▆▄▇▄▇ ▅▍▅▇▊▄▊▇ ▆▅█▄▆▍▆▆▋▆
Merge from hdrp_backport_andre
▋▊▆▋▌ █▉▋▉▇█▅▆█▋▇▊▇▆▇ ▉▆▄▍▅▉ (▍▍▇▄▉▉▋ ▄▅▆▆ ▄▆▍ ▇▌▊) █▌▊▄ ▊▄▆▆ ▆▋▉ ▋▉▉▆▊▇▉▉██▌ ▌█▆▆▉▄ ▊▅▇▄▋▊ ▊▅▉▉ ▆▌▅▌'▇ "▌▆" ▇▊ ▊▍█ ▌█▋█▅▉ ▄▆▌ ▇▉▆▉ ▅█ ▉ ▄▍▌▅▅▌▆ (▋▆▊▉▍▅ ▌▊▌ ▄▆▆▍▇▆█▄▅)