
12,611 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.13cph!

4 Years Ago
Added "Assets/Prefabs/Reserialize Selected Prefabs"
4 Years Ago
Fixed spawn handler setting spawn population reference on the prefab instead of the instance (made purchased entities count towards wild entities)
4 Years Ago
EffectRecycle tweak to ensure we're not reimporting things accidentally on the build server all the time
4 Years Ago
Committing GameManifest LootSpawn generated files (build time debugging)
4 Years Ago
Committing some more prefab auto-updates
4 Years Ago
▅█▋▇▄▇▍▉ ▊▋▌▌▉ ▅▍▋▄▆▇█▍▍▊ ▄▇▄▇▅▉▋▊█▋ ▌▌█▇█ ▉▍▆ ▋▌▍▆▋▌▋▌ █▋▅ ▉▍▇▅▌▋▍ ▍▄▋▄▌▅ (▇▅▋▆ ██▊▋, █▅▆▅ ▋▋▊▆ ▉▇▄▄█▍▋▉ ▋▊▉█▉▌▉ ▊▍▌▌ ▊▄█▇▍ ▅█▄ ▌▄▄▅▄▆▋▉█▍ ▌▊█▇▆ ▉▌▍▅ ▅▊▊▉▅▌)
4 Years Ago
EffectRecycle tweak to avoid prefabs thinking they've been edited in DoPrepare when they weren't (probably doesn't do anything)
4 Years Ago
Moved ViewmodelClothing ForceLabel from OnValidate to DoPrepare
4 Years Ago
Moved Model ForceLabel from OnValidate to DoPrepare
4 Years Ago
Reserialized prefabs in Assets/Prefabs (counting 5355)
4 Years Ago
Reserialized prefabs in Assets/bundled/Prefabs/fx (all 1092 of them)
4 Years Ago
Explicitly running PreparePrefabs on all prefabs (only changed 8 files though)
4 Years Ago
Merge from prefab_build_optimizations (this doesn't do anything on its own, it's just an editor tool)
4 Years Ago
Added support for maxreceivetime to Steam Networking
4 Years Ago
Refreshed Prefabs.txt and Prefabs.unity for the SDK
4 Years Ago
Monument markers fall back to root game object name when phrase is not set Added assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/monument_marker.prefab for custom map monument markers (displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string)
4 Years Ago
Disabled async Steam callbacks, tick them on the main thread instead
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
█▆█▄ ▄█▍▄▄ "▆▇▉▄▋▄▅▆▇▉▅▍▍█▍▌▉▊█" ▇▄▍▌▊▅▍▍▄▇▄ ▊▊▊ ▍▉ (▋▌▅▉█▌▉=▉)
4 Years Ago
Better ReimportPrefabs / ReserializePrefabs (maybe)
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Added "Assets/Prefabs/Prepare All Prefabs" menu item Added "Assets/Prefabs/Prepare Selected Prefabs" menu item Added "Assets/Prefabs/Reimport All Prefabs" menu item
4 Years Ago
Missing ! in 55942
4 Years Ago
Added DoPrepare item to asset right click menu (good for testing)
4 Years Ago
Replaced PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType since it's obsolete and it doesn't seem to work entirely correctly anymore
4 Years Ago
Committing prefab auto-updates so the build server doesn't have to update / revert them every build
4 Years Ago
▄▋█▅▉ ▅▅▋▋▍_▍▉▇▌▌▋▌▋▅▆▍▌ ▇█ ▊█▅▄▆▅▉ ▅▌▆█▉▋▋ █▇▅▅▌ ▇▇ ▆█▉▇▍▋▆██▉ ▆█▄ ▉▄▄▅█ (▉█▋ ▊▅ ▇▇▄ ▄▇▌ ▄▋▄▍▄ █▄▉▊▆▇▇▋▇, ▊▆ ▅▊'▆ ▇▇▄▊▆▌▊▉ ▇▅ ▍▍▋▌▊▇▋ ▅█▍▅▄ ██ ▅▅▅▄ ▆█▄ ▆▇▌▄)
4 Years Ago
Added WeatherPresetType.Cinematic (never triggered by the automatic weather system, but can be loaded with weather.load)
4 Years Ago
Send replicated convars in ClientReady to ensure the level has already been loaded on the client (cc rohan, please double check)
4 Years Ago
Added wetness_rain and wetness_snow convars to adjust how wet players get
4 Years Ago
Climate.GetThunder NRE fix
4 Years Ago now includes the exact parameters that are currently being applied to the sky dome
4 Years Ago
Compile fix
4 Years Ago
Allow weather.load while playing back demos
4 Years Ago
Send replicated convar initial state when starting a demo
4 Years Ago
Added rainbow support (currently disabled on all weather presets)
4 Years Ago
Fixed low thunder probability values disabling stormy rain and snow effects (any stormy weather should use these)
4 Years Ago
Merge from weather2
4 Years Ago
The first 3 weather seeds in the editor always yield clear weather
4 Years Ago
Early exit for weather.load / reset / report if climate instance is null
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Merge from weather2
4 Years Ago
Weather type percentages / chances are all synchronized with replicated convars, can be adjusted on the server
4 Years Ago
Exclude lakes from mainland topology generation
4 Years Ago
▆▊▍██▇▌ ▇▊█▊▆ █▋█▍ ▍▋█▆▄▇▄▇ ▅▍▅▇▊▄▊▇ ▆▅█▄▆▍▆▆▋▆
4 Years Ago
Indentation fix
4 Years Ago
Merge from hdrp_backport_andre
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▋▊▆▋▌ █▉▋▉▇█▅▆█▋▇▊▇▆▇ ▉▆▄▍▅▉ (▍▍▇▄▉▉▋ ▄▅▆▆ ▄▆▍ ▇▌▊) █▌▊▄ ▊▄▆▆ ▆▋▉ ▋▉▉▆▊▇▉▉██▌ ▌█▆▆▉▄ ▊▅▇▄▋▊ ▊▅▉▉ ▆▌▅▌'▇ "▌▆" ▇▊ ▊▍█ ▌█▋█▅▉ ▄▆▌ ▇▉▆▉ ▅█ ▉ ▄▍▌▅▅▌▆ (▋▆▊▉▍▅ ▌▊▌ ▄▆▆▍▇▆█▄▅)
4 Years Ago
Merge from weather2