12,611 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.13cph!
Merge from world_update_2
Fixed another TerrainTexturing error while in edit mode
Merge from world_update_2
Fixed TerrainTexturing error while in edit mode
Automatically mount shared drive on Mac
Rebuilt native libraries with Debian 10 for backwards compatibility
██▊▅█ ▄█▉▇ ▉▄▅_▄▅▅▆▉_▊▋▉▊▉_▆▄▅, ▆▆▋▉▄ █▆▋▋▇▋▉▄▉▊ █▊▋▉█▋ ▆▆ ▍▍▌█▊▌▆ ▌▆ ▉▄▆▌▊▍▆ ▄▋█▆ ▋▇▊ █▅▄▅▄▌▊▊ (▇▍▄▋▉▅ ▍▊▌▉█ ▉▍ ▄▆▌▋▊█▉ ▊▇ ▍█)
Merge from Underwater_divesites for latest art changes
Merge from temperate_cliff_rework for latest art changes
Restoring all properties in RustStandardShaderGUI that were deleted in
102165 merge (cc vince / damian)
Rebuilt native libraries using older Linux version for backwards compatibility
Update premake.yml
Change action runner to ubuntu-20.04
Removing "RECYCLER IN SAFE ZONE" spam at server startup
Merge from OceanWreckBuoy
Merge from legacy_wood_log_pile
Merge from Underwater_divesites
Merge from temperate_cliff_rework
▌▍▋█▇ ▉▍▋▍▉▇ ▊▉▉▋█▅▄▍▋ ▍▋█▅▌▊█▆▆▍ ▆▍ ▍▍▉▆ ▉█▋▊▄█▊▅▉ ▅▊▌ ▌▊▄▋▊ ▋▋▅█▉▉▋▅ ▊█▄▆ ▇▋▊▄█▌▋'▇ ▇▊ ▉▅▇▉▋▍▊▇▊ ▌█ ▇▅▅ █▋▄▌▍█ █▍ ▊▌▆█▄▌█▋
Merge from arm64_native_libraries
Map shader now takes water depth from shore vectors into account
Fixed shore vectors that are fed into shader system ignoring lakes and water carving volumes
Fixed RustCamera environment determination not taking water carving volumes into account
▄▄▍▅▊ ▄▋█▍▌ ▄▌▋▅▋▆ ▋▊▇▍▇▄▋ ▋▅▆▆▍▆ ▄█▅▉ ▊▅▍▋▉▉▅ ▉▆█▍ ▍█ ▌▅▆▅ ▇ ▅▄▄▊▄▇▅▍▇ ▋▌▅▌▇▌▇▄▍▌
Server workspace name fix
Merge branch 'master' of JenkinsTools
▋▊▄▄█▆ ▄▆▄▌▌ (▍▉▄▌▅ ▆▄ ▌▅▆▉▌▉ ▉▅▌ ▋▇▍▄▆▉▅ ▄▌▇██▊▌▊ ▉▌▋▋ ▌▆▍▋ ▅▋▍▌ ▄▆▌▉▉▇▇▆▌ ▅▌ ▉▇█▍▄▌▋▊ ▅▇▉ ▄▄▋, ▋▇▊ ▌▊▌▆▇▊ ▅▌▄▌▍ ▅▆▉▌█▄▆ ██▆▌▍█ ▅▌ ▉█ ▅▋▋▌▍'▊ █▆▆▉▆▊ ▇▄▄▄ ▋▉▌▋▋▊ ▍█▆▌▇▄▋█▅█▅▊▊▆▄ ▅▅▉ ▅▉▅█)
▊▊▋█ ▍▌▌▄▋▌▄▄ / ▇▅█▊▉▄▇▉▄▍
▊▉▍▉▅▇▄▄▆█▄▍ ▉▄▊▅▌▉▆ ▄▉▄ ▊▍▅█▇▇ ▌▊▉▄▍▋▉▊▌
101333 (introduced server issues)
Apple Silicon / ARM64 native libraries (allows everyone to use the Apple Silicon Unity editor)
Added SSE2 back to x64 target
Merge from main/wallpaper
Removing ItemDefinition label from wallpaper.entity.prefab.meta
Fixed DecorAlign issues when incoming rotation is not identity
Added ApplyDecorComponents to PlaceCliffs
▌█▉█▆ ▆▄▊▄▉▆▊▅▋▆▉▍▄ ▋█ ▄▄▉▍▌▌ ▅▆▄▊▆▊▉
▊▌▅▌▋ ▋▊▊▉▅█▆▍▉▌▅▍▊█▋ █▄█▋▊▅▌▌ ▋▍▌▉▋▆ ▉█▍ ▆▆▉▆ ▅▄ ▇▊▍▇▍█ ▋▍ ▄▌▊▅▉▇█▆ ▊▍ ▌▌▉▇▍'▉ ▊▍█▅▋ ▇▌ █▆▍ ▅▄▋▋▍▇ (▄▄▋▊▄▄▍▄▉ ▍▊▊█ ▆█▍▋█▊▍ ▄▊ ▅▋▄▆▌▉▆▇█▍▄█▌▉)
▉▆█▊▄█▉▋▋▆▄▄█▅▇▆▄▍▇▇▌▄▊▌ ▅█ ▋▆█▊▉▄ █▍██ ▍▄▌▊▄█▍▋ ▅▌▄▄ ▄▆ ▌▄▅█▊▉ ▊▉ █▊▊▇▆ ▄▋ ▄▉█▋▌ ▆▄ ▅▊▇█▅▌▊ ▇▇▋ ▅▆▌▉▌ ▄▇▍▌█▊ ▆▍▊▆▌▄▅▇
▉▇▆▍▋ ▍█▄▆█▋▌▄▆ ▍▅▍▅▅▅▉▅▌▍▌█▌▊▊▅▆▌▉▄ / ▋█▍▇▄▊█▍▅█▄▉▉▍▄▉▇▊▌ ▍▋██▆▄▇ ▅▋█▄ ▆▌▇▄▉▉
▆▉▄▉▋ ▊▍▇▍▇▌▌▊▅▌▉▄▉▆▆▍▋▆▋ ▉▊ ▉▄▆▅▅██▉▆▋▊▆ ▆▅ █▄▆▋█▆▅▆ ▆▊▌'▌ ▌▇▉█▆▇▄▅▅▍ ▄▌ ▅█ █▄▌▅▍▋▇ ▄▋▌█▉ ▆▆█▆▌ (▉▆▇ ▊▄▄▌█▆)
▆▄▄▉▍█ ▉▄▌▅█▄▋▅▉▋▉▊▄▋▅▌ ▊▌▄▉▉ ▋▌▇ ▍▄▋▊█▆▄▆▌▄▍▅▇ ▇▋ ▋▌▅▌▌▉▇ ▋▊▅██▅▉ █▍ ▋▆▉▅▇▇▄▊▇▊▇▌▄▋▍█▇▅▆▊
█▍▍▋▊ ▆▄▉▄ ▋▍▋ ▇▄▆▍ ▌▅██ ▋█▉▆▆▉ ▋▍▅▄▄ ▄▆-▋▉▌▇▋█▄▇▉ ▊▉▋▉ █▍▉▄▉▆▊ ▌▍▍▇▋▉▅▉▅ (█▄▋▌█▉▉ ▇▉▅▊▇▄▆▌▄ █▊▄▌▇)
▅█▋▇▇ ▌▉█ ▊▅▇▉ ▆▄▉▋▌▄ ▌▇▆ █▇▉▇▌▋ ▅▇▆▌▄▋▋ ▇▉▍▉▄▋▄ ▍▍ ▍▆ ▋▌▅ ▆▇▉▉▆█ ▅▊▅▆ ▄▉▄█▅▇▇▇ ▌█▋▍▋▇▍▅▇
▆▉▇▆▉ ▄▊▌▄▊▆▌▆▊▊█▋▉▉▊▉▌▊▊ ▍▍▇ ▇▇▉▆▉ ▄▄▌▅▋▍█ ▉█▉▄▊▄█▉▌▅█▄▌██ ▌█▌ ▋▆▊ ▊▆▉▉█▊▋▆▋▉▋▌▄▍▅▍▋▍▊▉ ▇█
▆▌▉█▅▊▆ ▇▆▄▊▋▍▅ ▄▉ ▆▇▋▇ ▄▉▋▆▋▉ ▆▌▋▌ ▄▋▇▅▄▊▄▍ ▉▅▄ ▇▆▋▅▆▄▍▌ ▆▋▇▌ ▄█▊▄▆▊▉▇█
▊▇▍▌█ ▋ ▅█▉▆▋ ▉▆ ▊▆▄▄▉▉▇▍▉▅▊▍▇▋▇▉▋▇▄▋ ▊▋▍▋ ▇▋▆▌ █▊ █▊ ▆▋▋█▄▆ ▅▄▄█ ▅▆▆▌▅▍ ▋▌▌▍▋▌▊