115,225 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.21cph!
Driftwood decor params and some mat fixes.
Driftwood system switch again.
Scene sound stuff. Sky2 stuff. Moved driftwood from decor to world setup, to stop it from going invis.
bunch of helicopter AI and an awesome infinite loop
Retired DecalPlace, made everything more artist-friendly
Cleaning up the various asset warmup experiments (warmupmode=1 is default, 2 loads asynchronously while in the main menu)
Fixed signs sometimes not showing their images
Fixed large furnace loot panel
Fixed bow viewmodel arrow dissapearing
Renamed warmup convar to warmupmode
Added warmup console command
Added warmup implementation to editor file system
Weapon attachments lose condition
Give commands now only need a partial item name
Fixed pumpkin falling through world
Optimized BseNetworkable.FindInGroup
Fixed NRE in NetworkDestroy
Fixed standalone-only compile issues
Fixed missing reverb zone trigger references on SavasIsland
Material fixes
Updated satellite dish and sphere tank scene, ran SceneToPrefab
Should fix the player getting stuck in wounded state
Added admin.mutevoice <player>
Added admin.unmutevoice <player>
Added admin.mutechat <player>
Added admin.unmutechat <player>
Fixed weapons + weapon attachments sometimes dissapearing when transitioning between network groups
Fixed missing reverb zone collider reference on satellite dish prefab
Switched old standard materials to Rust standard material
Reworked concrete decals texture
New concrete generic texture for industrial bld
Removed a material to the satellite dish
Updated metal_base_paint_spec
Fixed BaseEntity.RPC not compiling in-editor if set to SERVER
Increased LOD grid cell size some more
No longer cull objects right after instantiate (could make them temporarily invisible until their mesh was batched)
Fixed ReverbZoneTrigger LODing
Hacking around linear/gamma fuckups in UnityEngine.UI.Button.colors
Missing meta file
High gate boilerplate
RPC Distance test debug output when fails in editor
Door close "delay" on server
Death screen temp fix - UI bug in 5.2 here, content resize/layout doesn't seem to work in scroll panels
Pieshape converting to OnPopulateMesh
Added INeedsToStartDisabled to SoundPlayer
Added GetLength to SoundDefinition
improved torch.viewmodel FX's exactly 35.3859%
Merge from unity5.2.0f3_changes