
42 Commits over 61 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Days Ago
pre-DX12 shelve
5 Days Ago
Merge from indirect_instancing (and main)
5 Days Ago
Load IndirectInstancing component in MainCamera.cs to avoid merge conflicts.
5 Days Ago
Merge from main
5 Days Ago
Disable certain features (layers, bounds, ...) in order to debug last week's performance regression.
8 Days Ago
merge from indirect instancing
8 Days Ago
Fixed unintended creation of material instances as well as unintended creation of command indexes when removing instances.
8 Days Ago
Merge from /indirect_instancing
8 Days Ago
Fixed a bug in the graphics buffer damage tracking where damage regions could be shrunk if they were adjacent to another smaller region, causing corrupted building parts to be rendered.
9 Days Ago
Various fixes about the colour buffer not being resized or copied correctly
9 Days Ago
merge from indirect_instancing
9 Days Ago
Add temporary debug error messages to diagnose the uninitialised component issue.
10 Days Ago
merge from indirect_instancing
10 Days Ago
Fix Awake() and OnDestroy() not being called for IndirectInstancing in standalone builds
10 Days Ago
merge from indirect_instancing
10 Days Ago
Add an additional null check when removing instances
11 Days Ago
Merge from indirect instancing
11 Days Ago
Indirect instancing fixes: - Fixed shader compilation error (again) - Fixed infinite loop condition causing application freeze - Fixed colour buffer not being applied due to wrong type causing black building parts - Fixed non-optimized instance buffer updates - Fixed off-by-one bug preventing the very first building part from being rendered - Fixed NullReferenceException when attempting to remove a renderer without a material
11 Days Ago
merge from indirect_instancing
11 Days Ago
Fixed missing namespace error in server build
11 Days Ago
11 Days Ago
merge from /indirect_instancing
11 Days Ago
Check if there is an instance of the indirect instancing component because apparently it's possible that we add/remove instances when there isn't an active camera.
11 Days Ago
merge from /indirect_instancing
11 Days Ago
Indirect instancing: - Prevent NullReferenceException when attempting to remove instances without a MeshFilter component - Fixed shader compilation error in the shadow pass - Surround instancing code with `#ifdef CLIENT` for cleaner server builds
12 Days Ago
new merge from /main and /indirect_instancing
12 Days Ago
Merge from /main
15 Days Ago
Added support for layers and per-instance colors to the indirect instanced renderer
15 Days Ago
Indirect Instancing: - Remove delegate callbacks to avoid allocations at all costs - Lots of clean-up / Removed some ugly hacks - Use proper namespace namespaces - Use a camera component for proper resource management - Prefix all profiler regions with "Indirect." for an easy overview
15 Days Ago
re-merge from /indirect_instancing
15 Days Ago
merge from /main
16 Days Ago
Remove the massive lump of disabled code I forgot to delete
16 Days Ago
Merge indirect instancing
16 Days Ago
Implement indirect instanced rendering system
29 Days Ago
Enabled instancing on all materials.
31 Days Ago
merge /cpu_batching_instanced → /aux
31 Days Ago
Un-check Read/Write on all meshes
31 Days Ago
Added "Unmark Readable" Tool to remove Read/Write from meshes
31 Days Ago
Fixed instancing to work with non-read-write meshes
31 Days Ago
Fixed server build
33 Days Ago
Merge /command_buffer_gc_fix to /main - Fix allocation of 62 bytes every frame
51 Days Ago
Merge from /main to continue old work