117,473 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Added LZ4 compression lib + wrapper
Added server perf.csv spitting to server
Scene stuff. More snow rocks.
Attempt at fixing motion blur resize issues
Fixed assert in Item.RemoveFromWorld()
Removed Tick
Fixed fire gobbling too much wood
Added overlay refresh to TerrainMeta
Applied Petur's sky tweaks to prefab (so that it's applied in all scenes)
Set overlay textures in procedural scene
Scene stuff. Splitting rocks into snow & no snow.
Fixed NRE when user disconnects during auth
Attempt to keep the dedicated server from loading any terrain textures
More specific profiling on TransformChangeMonitor
Added build version in DS title
Tweaked the sky, and fixed a campfire material.
Now using Engine.IsDedicatedSever instead of .batchmode
Breaking Transform Monitoring into buckets
Keep the console at native res
Fixed infinite loop in FormatMemory
Added gc.collect
objects command now shows memory usage
Fixed terrain overlay texture index calculations being slightly off
Unified network position lerping, less shitty
Intensity control for auto specular / fresnel from sky lighting
Fixed dynamic snow specular highlights
Fixed schoolboy error (got client and server the wrong way around)
Switched rock test shaders to BlinnPhong
Updated the overlays snow.
Added LUT blending
Reordered camera image effects in an order that seems to make the most sense
Added world scale texturing to dynamic snow; tiling to float; removed custom inspector
Added test for dynamic snow with global control
Changed normal+height texture filtering to trilinear
Merged with latest changes
Scene stuff and placeholder cliffs
More snowy biome stuff. Fixed the rock shader lighting formula.
improved several of the wolf animations; finished adding all the sound fx for the wolf
Converted Tom's old rocks to new texture and material setup. Renamed them to rock_01,02,03. Reorganised some textures.