5,204 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.08cph!
Now using json version of OctopusTurret
Added mockup StageConfig for Octopus
Added StageData, ScriptedStage
Changed json unit event handling system, added handlers for onFixedUpdate and onPixelHit
Updated Switch branch to 2017.4.0 to fix async thread crash
player hurt state & vignette again
laser is owned by pixelgroup - reworked how lasers are added to units
stage SpawnUnit
powerup level limit to 3
pxc anim waits until end of current loop to switch to diff anim
unit PlayAnim func
removed some bullet modifiers
reset Unit.IsHidden on setup
bullets can follow enemies instead of player
bullet can collide with source pxc
got rid of some redundant unit spawning options
removed pxc children
test unit
test pattern stuff
renamed arbitrary pattern to Custom
cluster patterns, some tweaking with params
rotating star cluster pattern
icicle pattern
removed bullet damage multiplier
only graze push when not braking
removed forwardSpreadFunc
removed some more pattern modifiers
pixelgroup death bullet pattern
pixeldata death bullet pattern
renamed Quad to FreeformQuad
reworked Circle into Quad
renamed Circle shader etc to Quad
Rectangle shape for bullet
some more rectangle bullet stuff
rectangle bullet collision
Fixed part requirements in ScriptedUnit
Got rid of PlayMakerGUI game object
ScriptedUnit part creation
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
ScriptedUnit pixel config
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Finishing off ScriptedUnit, not spawning yet
Octopus unit is now entirely scripted
fsm state debug colors
stage_text handles debug text, deleted stage_debugtext
removed playmaker files
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
tweaked sweat drop
removed bullet powerups
error message if fsm state actions null
Implemented applying base form data
Implemented OnFormDestroyed callbacks for ScriptedUnit
Implemented basic form creation in ScriptedUnit
Fixed ScriptFunc usages in UnitData
Started work on a ScriptedUnit class
Added hotloadable UnitData
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
fixed bug with bullet spawner powerup causing screen to go black
remove boosting stuff again
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
stage Player property, distSqr helper func
fixed braking
spawner bullets despawn properly when powerup is deactivated
removed armor stuff
dont scale units while player is dying
some fixes for player death visual bugs
CallMethod action target defaults to Stage in StageFSMs
Added `spawn turrets` state to Octopus stage FSM
Octopus second form json mockup
Finished octopus json mockup
tweaked some player properties
fixed timer not being visible
UnitConfig folder
plant boss
plant guard
plant guard
plant guard mouth
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
removed stage fsm prefabs
unit prefabs no longer created
deleted unit prefabs from resources
unit FSM loads again
got rid of folder structure for unit FSM
Moved generated FSM files to avoid naming conflicts
Working on mocking up a unit config file
Now using json FSMs for stages
Fixed unit FSMs not being found
fixed bullet color flashing, freeze/redirect bullets powerups
fixed bullet redirection angle
redirect target direction powerup
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
removed some of the bullet requesting stuff
rotating gun powerup
powerup level starts at 0 instead of 1; rotating gun powerup gets stronger each level
Fixed Fuse stage FSM errors
Working on making sure FSMs can be used for stages
Added Stage_Behaviour stage component
Fixed FsmData.FindNextState(curState, nextStateName)
String interpolation for FSM values
fixed bullet spawner collision issue
bullet spawner polish
repel bullets powerup
passive repel powerup visuals
passive repel
Now using reflection in FsmSetIntVarAction
Split new FSM stuff into separate files
Got rid of some transitions again
Fixed some incorrect transitions in generated FSM json
Fixed exceptions when a unit has no FSM data
Fixed possible FsmCallMethodAction error
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Implemented FsmCallMethodAction
Disabled old FSMs!
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
tempEffectSlow reduces player speed, not timescale
slow timescale pickup
temp effect floater text
bullet spawner powerup
disperse pickups instead of old powerup bullets
got rid of all old powerup stuff
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Fixed Repeated action not using delays
New FSM now switches states with the old one
Fixed possible exception when changing FSM state
More FsmActions implemented
FSM execution is working
Some unit behaviour field renaming
New FSM system parsing / execution mostly done
fixed invasion boss spawning
invasion boss spawns ships
invasion boss pixels
invasion transform explosive ring bullet
pooling in stage_timescale
speed up time pickup
Removed default parameters from MethodCalls