
3,393 Commits over 273 Days - 0.52cph!

9 Years Ago
Fixed `Networkable`s not being assigned editor IDs correctly.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Fixed `Chatbox` and `Player` classes not being detected by Unity.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Moved `SteamAPI.Shutdown()` call to `OnDisable()`.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Fixed error in `Chat` message definition.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Fixed error in `PlayerSpawn` message definition.
9 Years Ago
Source files in `Assets/Scripts` are now trawled for regions between `#if PROTOBUF` and a matching `#endif` to be used for protobuf class generation.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Replaced `Chatbox` inline protobuf schema with new style.
9 Years Ago
Another possible inline protobuf schema style.
9 Years Ago
Premake script now generates protobuf classes.
9 Years Ago
[zombies] added stats for soldiers
9 Years Ago
Added door center to door selectable sub-menu
9 Years Ago
Fixed some missing scripts after merge
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'interior' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Implemented sub-menu UI from the concepts
9 Years Ago
Mostly finished refactor, although network messages aren't being received.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'interior' into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Part way through moving everything arcade-specific into `Assets/Scripts`.
9 Years Ago
Added OnAltSelect to Selectables so they can choose to open a submenu on right click
9 Years Ago
Added cursor texture
9 Years Ago
Added some simple cos and sin tweening methods to make highlighting work again
9 Years Ago
Added Rebuild methods to RoomStructure and DoorStructure that will mark the room as needing building and builds it.
9 Years Ago
Added Interior accessor to BuildingTool so tools don't have to go through BuildingSettings to get the interior. Added logging when building a room before the interior has finished loading to make sure there's no repeated builds
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Interior now builds rooms and doors on creation if the interior has loaded, this allows the loader to build everything in a batch at the end of loading
9 Years Ago
Messages to the server are now immediately routed to the destination `Networkable` rather than routing through the associated `Group` first.
9 Years Ago
Renamed RoomStructure.SetDirty to RoomStructure.NeedsBuilding
9 Years Ago
Removed PickingRay and CanPick from BuildingSettings, instead passing pickingRay and rayBlocked through Tool and Selectable active updates
9 Years Ago
Moved some editor logic from RoomStructure to RoomSelectable
9 Years Ago
Moved some editor logic from DoorStructure to DoorSelectable
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'interior' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Committing small change before merge.
9 Years Ago
Added `[MessageHandler(Domain)]` attribute for `Networkable` classes to specify methods that handle messages from clients / the server of a specific type.
9 Years Ago
Added room height saving and loading to protobuf
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Added editor toolbar back in
9 Years Ago
More script restructuring.
9 Years Ago
Started separating room geometry generation and editor logic
9 Years Ago
Moved arcade-specific cabinet code out of `GameAPI.Unity` and into `Unity/Arcade/Assets/Scripts`
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Finished basic Networkable implementation.
9 Years Ago
Added floor and wall textures
9 Years Ago
Fixed `IdentifierSet` implementation.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Removed phantom meta file, fixed premake script missing commands to copy `ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll`.
9 Years Ago
Part way through assigning IDs to Networkables.