117,386 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Fixed that the attack behaviour would fall back to the idle behaviour during the attack timeout
Wind speed now varies depending on your location and the time of day.
Added Howie's placeholder monuments
Updated UnityEngine.dll used by plugins
Fixed NRE in SkinnedMeshCollision.TraceTest
Fixed rare EasyAntiCheat initialization error
Enabled EAC for OSX/Linux
Fixed NRE in RifleControl.OnClientTick
Fixed NRE in ConstructVision.OnObjectRemoved
Fixed NRE in Lidgren.Client.Cycle
Fixed NRE in Planner+Guide.UpdateComponent
Moved Coherent new MouseEventData() - so it's created in Start instead of the constructor
If CoherentUILibrary.CreateViewContext returns null, try to MarkContentCorrupt
added 'spear' category to the devplayer script
Fixed cursor tooltips not showing for players
Notices for poison, bleeding, cold, dehydrated, drowning, freezing, hot, starving and wet
Time of Day update to 2.3.0 prerelease 1
Added P2P networking
Made voice chat use P2P networking
Made voice chat work
Players chatting move their mouths http://files.facepunch.com/garry/2014/October/02/1412257825.mp4
Wolves and Bears now attack
Generisized GameSignal stuff
Fixed hammer world model prefab
Demolish weapons are now more/less proficient towards different building levels
Slowed rock attack time
Rock does less damage
Updated steam libraries for dedicated server
finished the rest of the player holding spear animations;
Fixed character getting the jumping / landing camera shake for tiny liftoffs (like some fairly flat slopes)
Don't report [EAC] Authed when they've just been kicked
Reject joins with obviously invalid steamids
Fixed connecting from server list (changed with steamworks_net)
Updated steam libraries to sdk 1.31
Fixed burlap trousers again
Fixed playercounts in server list (wasn't reading tags properly)
Recompiled plugins (for andre)
Tweaked player movement (mainly animation events and jump conditions)
Fixed missing skinned mesh renderer reference on hazmat_pants
Deleted some name conflict files that never should have been committed
Updated Steamworks.NET native library platform settings
tweaked mesh to remove clipping
fixed hazmat pants prefab ( which broke when updating the mesh)
fiixed issues with hazmat pants mesh + added scale bone for waist
Removed SteamNative - changed to Steamworks.Net - this could hurt for a day or two
Made the config file load on startup
Reverted changes to TerrainCollisionTrigger - cuz it didn't fix shit
Added radiation effects to camera
Added geiger sounds
Made player ragdoll ignore collisions with player movement
AI - Ignore disabled colliders
Fixed AI gathering around the spot where a player died.. forever
Fixed dead and disconnected players not getting removed from the server
Updated cave test prefab/scene
Made TerrainCollisionTrigger derive from TriggerBase (should fix the player respawn fuckups)
Removed options from main menu
more player holding spear animations.
Made ragdolls ignore player collision (for real this time)
Fixed skinnedMeshRenderer reference on burlap_trousers not being set
Updated physics collision matrix
Made ragdolls ignore player collision
Properly set terrain physic material to fix slippery ragdolls