
328 Commits over 61 Days - 0.22cph!

9 Months Ago
Fixed NRE when using Eoka in rocking chair.
9 Months Ago
Fixed wanted poster description.
9 Months Ago
Fixed soft fade hiding some particles reflecting on mirror (e.g. smoke grenade)
9 Months Ago
Fixed reverse fresnel opacity hiding some particles reflecting on mirror
9 Months Ago
Fixed mirror camera background color
9 Months Ago
Mirror fog now follows ambient multiplier
9 Months Ago
Enabled mirror base pass for mirror reflecting mirror case
9 Months Ago
Mirror shadow optimizations: low res shadow map, skip unused passes
9 Months Ago
Fix rockingchair2 world model overriding the collider
9 Months Ago
Use rocking chair LOD3 instead of LOD0 for world model. Remove two unused collider model files.
9 Months Ago
Switched around small and large hunting trophy crafting costs
9 Months Ago
Fixed CPU overhead introduced by occlusion culling mirror workaround/passthrough
9 Months Ago
Set rocking chair view model collider meshes
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Added mirror far clip plane / cull bounds with max 25m (by default) and distance fog to hide distance cutoff
9 Months Ago
Prevented mirrors from being placed over one another
9 Months Ago
Chair now responds to rocket launchers
9 Months Ago
Storage Barrel tradeoffs - updated volumes, cannot be locked, slightly higher crafting cost
9 Months Ago
Fixed rocking chair audio not working for non local players
9 Months Ago
Updated colliders on the two rocking chair variants, including the metal parts
9 Months Ago
Full convex collider set for rocking chair
9 Months Ago
Fixed rocking chair skins referencing the wrong item (itemname field needs to reference the base itemname, not the skin itemname) Fixed rocking chair skins with wrong display name tokens (skin name should share same token and english value as the base item) Fixed both rocking chair skins missing their IsRedirectOf field Mark base rocking chair as craftable, mark teal chair as not user craftable (as it's a skin)
9 Months Ago
Swapped rocking chairs to convex colliders
9 Months Ago
Ensured player pose stays at default in rocking chair
9 Months Ago
Fix torches in holders continuing to lose condition even after they are extinguished
9 Months Ago
Fixed an extra set of arms appearing during some gestures in the mirror
9 Months Ago
Fixed push animation getting cancelled by movement
9 Months Ago
Merge my player eyes fix -> base_decor_DLC
9 Months Ago
Remove some GC allocations in PlanarReflectionCamera Fixed renderers disabled via HideInFirstPerson not appearing in mirrors (fixes all entites that use planners, as well as most missing held entities)
9 Months Ago
Fixed player head appearing distorted in mirrors while dancing
9 Months Ago
Fixed rocking chair gibs using wrong materials.
9 Months Ago
Fixed a couple of shader compile warnings, one of them important
9 Months Ago
Fixed mirrors not rendering the inside of caves and others (Blend4Way, SnowArea)
9 Months Ago
fix rocking chair creak sound gain curve
9 Months Ago
Fixed alt-look causing body to intersect the mirror by deactivating mirror when body is facing away from it
9 Months Ago
Fixed torch holder flames not rendering below shader level 300
9 Months Ago
Fixed torch holder lighting being all offset and wrong.
9 Months Ago
Fixed cliffs and others disappearing in mirrors (culling workaround) Added PlanarReflectionCamera.ActiveReflections to check if any mirrors are reflecting
9 Months Ago
Switch effect run type to server
9 Months Ago
Bar door grammar fix
9 Months Ago
Increase the size of the local bounds passed to skinned renderers on the trophy mount
9 Months Ago
Merged main
9 Months Ago
Storage barrel model moved to deployed layer
9 Months Ago
Added a new guide mesh for the fourth wanted poster variation with the correct scale.
9 Months Ago
Added player.createTrophy to create a trophy compatible with trophy holders (eg. "player.createTrophy bear") Won't work for players, seems to work for humanoid NPC's but that isn't recommended, works for animal NPC's
9 Months Ago
Possibly fixed a case where trophies would be considered non-matching incorrectly
9 Months Ago
Override the bounds of clothing spawned on the hunting trophies (uses a unity 2021 api that I can't test in the editor, so this is untested)
9 Months Ago
Add horse icons for trophy UI
9 Months Ago
Wanted poster name text is now pure black so it doesn't appear unlit at night, used transparency to roughly keep the apperance the same
9 Months Ago
Adjust chicken trophy position to ensure nametag is visible Adjust minimum font size on small trophy to fix some NPC names not appearing