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Revert BaseMountable to compare the net ID in NearMountPoint instead of comparing the entities directly. Comparing directly caused inconsistent interaction on listen server, where the ray would sometimes hit the client's collider, and sometimes the server's.
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
updated steering wheel model/texture/mat
Added basic plasceholder damage texture and auto-gen normal map, plus black mask to hide it for now.
Removed StartMaxHealth(). All overrides for StartMaxHealth() returned the same as max health. Now that StartMaxHealth() also returns max health in the base method, the whole method can be removed and swapped for MaxHealth().
Changes to BaseCombatEntity so that StartHealth and MaxHealth can be different, allowing for vehicles to spawn correctly with less than 100% health.
- StartMaxHealth() now returns MaxHealth() instead of StartHealth()
- ClientInit now sets _maxHealth to MaxHealth() instead of StartHealth()
Setting initial chassis health + minor code cleanup
Update editor modular car player inventory loadout to include a hammer
Spawned vehicles start with heavy damage
Reworking vehicle spawn settings, added property drawer
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Now spawning modular cars on map with modules, using new and improved method. Don't need random spawn intermediate entity anymore.
Updated spawnable vehicle prefab variants
Working on changes to vehicle map spawn. Added ModularCar population convar. Manifest++.
Removed cage module, plus its item, model etc. Removed two presets that were using the cage. Removed some other unused bits.
Add spawnable script to vehicles
Preset spawns now use the correct defined slots, instead of just stacking modules after each other
Improved validity checking for vehicle presets
Added some random presets without a full complement of modules in sockets
Spawning random preset vehicles now functional. Manifest update.
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
Reduce 2-module chassis steer angle.
updated modules, tweaked seat position/fixed some conditional display
improved cabin module visual based on placement condition
some folder cleanup
Give the small engine a little more power
Preset config UI edit to handle multi-selection
Defined 16 preset vehicles
Vehicle physics testing edits
New ScriptableObject and custom editor allows predefining a modular car (chassis + modules)
Revert random modular spawn changes. Truly random vehicles, even if enforced as containing the right modules to be driveable, are often a poor configuration anyway. Keep random spawn as truly random instead, and we'll use a manually curated list for map spawns.
updated modules, adding textures/mat
Code needs cleanup, but all random-gen vehicles are now enforced as driveable.
Reduce steering assist on modular vehicles from 50% to 25%
Fix double engine module on test map vehicle
Adjust lift obstruction sensor
Vehicle lift now aborts descent and retries later, instead of mercilessly crushing anything below it
Always hide repair button, never just disable interaction - clearer to the user, matches recycle button
Fixed vehicle lift lowering on chassis recycle
updated modules, added textures/mat
Fix non-driveable warning not showing up in the UI
Better vehicle snap system, handles multiple occupants
Prevent vehicle "dragging" behind lift changes due to the kinematic snap zone
Fix distance calculation, adjust trigger area
Base vehicle position on distance instead of collider contains. Remove LiftAreaTrigger on client
Simplified the vehicle lift state system to only what the new lift interaction needs. Protocol++