475 Commits over 915 Days - 0.02cph!
bucket paint colors reflect bucket color
Blockout additions and tweaks
bucket scale and jumper cables blockout
pill bottle branding added
added toothpicks + map updates
adjusted dead citizen placement
acoustic foam material + asset + detail normal
Disable camera orbit code for now, it's really jittery and I can't figure out why just yet
pill bottle scale fix and lid added
pill bottle texture update
Update height override, jump power
coffeecup scale adjustment
coffee_cup scale adjustment
Update map to use new scales and assets
Increase player speed a tad
Player does roll animation when hitting ground from a dive
Adjust Player Movement
Don't force player to look in camera direction when not moving
Added incredibly basic wall jump
Move movement tweaks
Improved Wall Jumping - Slide down walls, grabbing a wall while falling fast will slow you down first, doesn't consume double jump when it shouldnt
Improved Dash Ability
Funny Dive Animation for the Dash Ability
Variable Jump Height depending on how long you hold A/Space after jumping
Change Dash to X on controller since that's a bit more intuitive
cinderblock scale updates
Update .gitignore
Correct cup collision type
I accidently deleted all these too liberally
Goodbye copmiled files
coffeecup physics texture and mesh update
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-platformer
Slide no longer takes full control over movement
bucket paint leak repetition fix
More forgiving ledge grab threshold
No more one-frame lag for ledge detection/movement