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Automated Linux DS Build #622
Automated Linux Build #622
* Player.SetMuted()'s first argument now actually works
* Player.ScreenFade is now shared
making hex blocks bigger and updating paving
added idle animations
added cop rig
Merge from foliage_system
Merge from foliage_system
Fixed mouse cursor locking
Verbose batching (level 1)
Moved procedural foliage placements to foliage spawn script
Added foliage batching grid to batching prefab, loaded into all scenes
Fixed invisible LR-300 worldmodel issue:1586
Batched meshes contain xz position offset in zw channels of uv1
Fixed extremely rare race condition while receiving data
Optimized memory usage
board play area reduction wip
Builds no longer minizme when in backgrounds
FOR FUCK SAKE ui tweak
FOR FUCK SAKE worker CD set to 1
Cherry picking ignore.conf
some setup for anim events
UI still follows the character while it fades out
Adjusting UI height depending on display type
3rd person sitting animations
tweaked the position of the muzzleflashes when a muzzlebrake is added
added new silencer smoke f/x when shooting
tweaked the offset for the thompson viewmodel holosight addon
Addiction stats only show for NPCs with addiction stats