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Force position test. Scene & save file.
wip custom rack type positions
Fix tutorial island animals from flagging as swimming (and so reducing speed) due to them currently being very close to sea level.
Set TutorialIsland MonumentNavMesh.NavMeshAgentTypeIndex to animal group so that animals bind to the navmesh correctly.
Also reduced the MonumentNavMesh extents so they don't accidentally include sea bed in some situations.
Flee/attacked tweaks and reduced flee duration/distance
Reduce tutorial bear speeds
More AI design tweaks
Only chase players from idle state if player is > 60% health
Reduce tutorial bear attack damage
Added MinimumTargetHealthFraction check to BaseNPC.Attack
Tutorial bear won't damage the player if they're under 60% health.
Tether chickens to short distance from spawn point.
Reduce roam range.
Increase roam frequency
Tutorial specific AI design.
Chickens now only roam and idle, don't attack player.
Separate tutorial bear AI design.
CollectibleEntity and RandomItemDispenser can flag individual items as excluded for the tutorial.
Disable hemp seeds, worms and grubs for Hemp, when in the tutorial.
Patrol heli ignores tutorial players.
AIBrainSenses can now ignore tutorial players.
CH47 scientists/passengers ignore tutorial players.
Disable game tips when starting the tutorial so they don't look like instructions for the current task/mission.
Resume game tips when tutorial is completed.
Call OnTutorialEnded in NotifyTutorialCompleted so time override gets disabled and tips resumed.
Reworked TimeChange to also return the new time after the change.
Tutorial missions now track the current time.
Each island saves its own time.
Serialise tutorial time.
Restore the time for players when resuming a tutorial.
Missed a misaligned indent
Quick cleanup/refactor after merge
Restored create or resume tutorial process functionality.
More WIP and a tricky merge.
Players can't place things in the supply box
Build navmesh for islands loaded from a save
Generate island locations during bootstrap, before spawn handling.
DensitySpawnPopulation can now filter out island areas.
Flag junkpiles_water to not spawn in outer tutorial bounds.
Calculate and save the world bounds, minus the outer area used for tutorial islands, during island spawn position generation.
merge from island_timeout. Plastic merge this merge way harder than it needed to be for some reason, but it should all be good.
Serialize island timeout.
Protobuf gen.
WIP island timeouts.
Players have 15 minutes to reconnect before their tutorial island is returned and tutorial is cancelled.
Reduce this time to 5 minutes if we're low on available islands.
Added an island tick.