userAlex Webstercancel

2,852 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.03cph!

2 Months Ago
v4 crouch anim exports
2 Months Ago
updated avatar settings on a few test anims
2 Months Ago
renamed idle breathe to match source exported jog E and idle on v4 rig added anims to player animator
2 Months Ago
test files
2 Months Ago
added spine 3 to humanoid mapping in rustplayeravatar
2 Months Ago
renaming of unarmed anims to match maya source and new convention
2 Months Ago
unarmed anim folder and anims (taken from v3 and will be updated with v4 exports but contain valuable clip meta)
2 Months Ago
Ballista - player anims for up/down - added player anims to animator, set up blendtree with up/down animing to use up param - tweaked start position of lever on ballista anims - tweaked eye position & hand ik on entity
2 Months Ago
re-exported ballista weapon anims after rig update
3 Months Ago
ballista - rigged base model export
3 Months Ago
ballista - added rigged mesh and anims
3 Months Ago
merge from main
3 Months Ago
updated exports for view and worldmodel
3 Months Ago
merge from main
3 Months Ago
catapult - spring position fix
3 Months Ago
catapult - updated reload anim with chain bug fix
3 Months Ago
Catapult - updated reload anim (moves slower as it reaches full tension)
3 Months Ago
Catapult - added reload anim
3 Months Ago
launcher reload bug fix attempt 1 + dryfire additions/improvements
3 Months Ago
removed copied crossbow files from blowpipe folder, added/set up worldmodel prefab
3 Months Ago
folder renaming
3 Months Ago
fixes for ironsights not working
3 Months Ago
exported catapult anims, set up clips, renamed rigged file
3 Months Ago
prepared prefabs created ironsights in .viewmodel and set to use, also set swap arrows script to 0 & not active (to remove errors) renamed fbxs
3 Months Ago
renaming - added underscore and renamed .viewmodel as missed
3 Months Ago
- placeholder 3p anims - placeholder worldmodel - override controller - entity setup
3 Months Ago
sks and t1 smg - 3p mag dropping now working
3 Months Ago
sks viewmodel - reduce rotation sway to fix arms clipping camera
4 Months Ago
updated attachment targets, also turned viewmodel renderer back on
4 Months Ago
Re-assigned bones in viewmodel prefab (to fix invisible man viewmodel)
4 Months Ago
3p anim updates
4 Months Ago
deleted unused model prefabs
4 Months Ago
- Viewmodel animation updates - Added show bullet mesh states to animator - Reduced rotation sway to fix arm clipping issues
4 Months Ago
viewmodel - ammo state/ choosing correct reload states
4 Months Ago
viewmodel renderer setup
4 Months Ago
Added worldmodel prefab and icon
4 Months Ago
player animator update plus idle pose
4 Months Ago
file naming and organising
4 Months Ago
Rock - Override controller updated to use v3 anims
4 Months Ago
re-created v3 anim folder, taking existing .meta & retaining clips, all anims now using v3 avatar
4 Months Ago
3p anims + updated worldmodel anims
4 Months Ago
viewmodel updates
4 Months Ago
HCR viewmodel anim updates
4 Months Ago
attachments wip
5 Months Ago
t1 smg viewmodel updates - ironsights tweaked - skinning updates for springs - idle pose updated - bolt position poses - anim length changes to match smg in 1p and 3p
5 Months Ago
tweaks to the viemodel reload anim based on feedback
5 Months Ago
increased cull distance on frontier weapons
5 Months Ago
HCR viewmodel - re-deleted anim events to fix addtional bullets flying out during reload
5 Months Ago
HCR viewmodel bug fix - fixed ironsight being slightly too high
5 Months Ago
viewmodel - fixed remaining attachment issues