117,448 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Unified network position lerping, less shitty
Intensity control for auto specular / fresnel from sky lighting
Fixed dynamic snow specular highlights
Fixed schoolboy error (got client and server the wrong way around)
Switched rock test shaders to BlinnPhong
Updated the overlays snow.
Added LUT blending
Reordered camera image effects in an order that seems to make the most sense
Added world scale texturing to dynamic snow; tiling to float; removed custom inspector
Added test for dynamic snow with global control
Changed normal+height texture filtering to trilinear
Merged with latest changes
Scene stuff and placeholder cliffs
More snowy biome stuff. Fixed the rock shader lighting formula.
improved several of the wolf animations; finished adding all the sound fx for the wolf
Converted Tom's old rocks to new texture and material setup. Renamed them to rock_01,02,03. Reorganised some textures.
Tiny test scene for Diogo
Update terrain generator test scene
Added overlay support to the terrain shaders
Fixed weapon worldmodels floating 30 feet in front of player
Bow can now fire arrows (wip)
Fixed GameTrace sometimes returning too early
Can pick up dropped world items again
Fixed terrain overlay value normalization
Added overlay sampling to terrain cginc
Added more variants of the terrain layer masking functions
More work on the terrain overlay system
We can cache these messages and reuse them to avoid GC churn
Added terrain overlay textures
Finally some pine trees that don't suck, jesus.
improved some wolf animations; added a new death animation for the wolf;
Updated TerrainMeta class description
Improved TerrainOverlayAdd
Made terrain overlay texture update nicer and faster
Fixed motion blur flicker when tonemapping is disabled; fixed warnings