31,653 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.33cph!
updated stone hatchet material
tweaked stone Hatchet normalmap,
updated player bota bag drink anim
updated stone hatchet maps to be PBS.
Making some textures compressed
Ifdef'd a bunch of shit that the server doesn't need to be fucking with out of PVT and Amplify Motion
Added better SSAO
Removed dynamic Z near from camera (leads to visible depth res transition with more intense SSAO)
3rd person shitgun animations
Optimized tree collisions by about 40000%
Removing generated textures from the colmeshes.
Optimized tree collision mesh files.
Fixed maximum jump velocity being faster than the last movement velocity
More work on AIObstacleMesh (almost done)
updated stone hatchet maps.
Fixed stone hatchet normalmap.
Added SeedRandom.Wanghash
Disabled terrain spec until the shader supports 5.0 deferred
updated stone hatchet icon
changed autospawn/resources to autospawn/resource
fnished the 3rd person medical syringe animations
Small model/texture tweak for the bandages. Forgot to add some stuff to the original checked in files
Adding bandage case viewmodel and textures
Tweaked volumes of animal sounds
Fixed footsteps being broke
implemented new stone hatchet & updated anims/prefabs/materials
Footstep sounds for Dirt, Forest, Rock, Sand, Tundra, Wood and Snow
Don't multithread terrain generation if inside the Editor (spazzes out as of u5b8)
Removing debug output from ItemAction_Metabolism
Added FirstPersonEffect - which changes sounds to 2D if we're the source and we're in first person mode
Added muzzle to thompson worldmodel
Fixed weapon items not all having the right effectPrefab set
Time of Day update to 2.3.0 RC2
Fixed wm prefabs for salvaged tools (as they'd somehow broken again)
Dedicated server - always try to load the last save
added new stone hatchet VM,WM and textures ready for prefab update
Generate terrain normal+height to disk, instead of at compile time
tweaked bow ironsight ( zooms in less & stays focused on target after firing)
Updated image effect standard assets
Some texture import resolution auto-updates
Only auto-update texture import resolution for assets in the Assets/Content folder
Fixed compile error in AtmosphericBlend.cs
Fixed more broken materials
Added "tools/Find Broken Materials"
Fixed tree missing shaders
Changed default render mode to new Deferred (this is gonna be shitty for a while)
Hiding AtmosphericBlend calls from server build