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Bypass tunnels / LODs and colliders / prefab setup
Bypass tunnel source backup
Bypass tunnel progress backup
Lowered density of train signal lights
Added signal lights to tjunctions
Added another submaterial to train signal lights to prevent emissive bleed onto non-emissive parts
Added a larger base to train_signal_lights_b variant
Moved train signal lights to the other side
Mirrored train_signal_lights_a
Added train signals to some tunnel prefabs for testing
Train signal lights / meshes, textures, colliders and prefabs
Baked custom LODs for all icebergs because old ones were too low quality
Iceberg scene2prefab
Deleted some legacy iceberg textures
Linked world model prefabs to rustige_egg_a and rustige_egg_b
More rocket factory scaffolding fixes
Fixed ceiling colliders in the rocket factory building
Fix for the rocket factory scaffolding looking flat at low shader level
Fixed mesh gaps on pipe_a set
Added set terrain splat modifier to iceberg prefabs to prevent dirt from appearing on the icesheets
Updated iceberg_6 fbx to fix holes on LOD1
Baked LODs for rock_formation_medium_e
Fixed broken specular on dead pines at low shader level
Rebaked LODs on rock_formation_medium_b / original mesh was too off
Slightly tweaked some LOD4s
satellite dish scene2prefab
Updated medium rock formation prefabs
Baked LODs for medium rock formations
Slightly tweaked near AO to remove black spots on grass
Merge from tree_shadow_proxy_subtract to fix broken tree shadows when using flashlights
Better colliders for medium rock formations
Fixed mesh gap on lighthouse LOD2
Changed distance mode on lighthouse interior to prevent lodding too quickly when walking up the stairs
Lighthouse scene2prefab
Adjusted min/max scaling on forest ferns and arctic small rock formations
Adjusted materials on arctic small rock formations to make them more visible
Made ice sheet terrain modifiers bigger to prevent dirt from getting projected on the ice meshes
Arctic foliage polish
Tweaked snow splat color/gloss to prevent snow from becoming too blue at certain times of day and reduce mismatch between snow and trees
Improved arctic biome billboards
Tweaked snow color on a bunch of other objects
Slightly increased bounds on all trees to prevent spawning them too close to each other / overall density should remain the same
Lowered cluster dither on some tree spawn populations
Lowered LOD distances on all bushes
Skipped LOD0 on arctic and arid grass
Skipped LOD0 on temperate and tundra grass
Merge from foliage_optimization
Added shadow proxies to arid trees and bushes
Added shadow proxies to temperate, tundra and arctic trees
Reduced density of temp_field_small trees
Slightly reduced the density of temperate field trees
Added debris layer to BoundsCheckMask in spawn.procmap.v3 prefab to prevent bushes from intersecting too much
Reduced density of ferns and arid ferns
Reduced bush population by roughly 50 percent while trying to preserve the overall feel
Decor v3 changes / brought back river reeds that were disabled by mistake / replaced temperate ferns in arid with very short palm trees