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Road tunnel blockout meshes and prefabs
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Replaced all harvestable fallen logs with new assets
Tweaked the double lane curve piece to fit better on the grid
Train tunnels / 90 degree single lane curve piece / 9m straight single lane piece
Made ocotillo and creosote bush billboards darker
Added spherical overlays to bush billboard normal maps
Billboards for arid bushes / added missing leaf sound triggers to prefabs
Spice bush and willow bush billboards
Updated dead pine prefabs / removed random rotations on X and Z axis
Pine billboards / New material for pine saplings
New billboards for beech, birch and oak trees
Tweaked splat color and tiling settings on Terrain4 asset
More foliage material tweaks / increased specular settings on foliage / adjusted some tree textures
Bandit town foliage tweaks
Arid and Arctic foliage material tweaks / improved snow pine and douglas fir textures
Tundra and temperate foliage material tweaks / Oak texture tweaks / made trees slightly more noisy at a distance / color variation
Remade SSS maps for temperate trees and bushes to fix glowing trees on low settings
Beech, willow bush and oak translucency tweaks
More foliage material tweaks
Arctic biome foliage material adjustments / normal intensity tweaks
More foliage material tweaks
Improved cactus materials
Arid foliage material and texture tweaks
Ground plants translucency tweaks
Replaced dead_log_a with a higher quality mesh
Fixed white materials on the small splat stones
Changed vertex normals on new grass to point up / color balance pass on temperate foliage / tweaked some diffuse and spec textures on trees
Cleaned up pine source files
Fixed pine tree materials, tweaked swamp and palm trees
Oak and douglas fir material fixes
Creosote bush / mormon tea / ocotillo material tweaks
American beech and birch material fixes / fixed corrupted textures
Manually copied material settings for pines, willow bushes, spice bushes from the HDRP branch / Fixed corrupted pine textures
Specular changes to bushes
Foliage material and texture fixes
Removed groundlora assets that were not being used anymore
Train tunnels update / Prototype junction switch / Overpass polish
Train tunnels / overpass update / added double track curves
Train tunnels / overpass progress / prefabs / scene update
Train tunnels source files backup
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