userDamian Lazarskicancel

2,165 Commits over 3,044 Days - 0.03cph!

4 Years Ago
▌▍▉▊▉█▇▊ ▇▉▄ ▆▇▅▊▇▋ ▌▆ █▇▉▌▊ █▇▊▉▇▌▊ ▌▌▋ ▌▌█▄▅
4 Years Ago
Train tunnel max backup
4 Years Ago
▉▇▌▊▉ ▅▉▄▉ ▅▉▇▄
4 Years Ago
Moved files from dropbox to plastic
4 Years Ago
Updated vents_large with the latest version
4 Years Ago
Changed portacabin glass coliders to glass instead of generic
4 Years Ago
Made glass coliders on portacabins double-sided
4 Years Ago
▍▅▇▊▌ ▊▍▄▄▌▌ █▋▅▄▋█▅▉
4 Years Ago
Train tunnels progress / straight pieces / curves / stops
4 Years Ago
More layer fixes Baked billboards for mormon tea bushes Tweaked LOD distances
4 Years Ago
Fixed layers on ocotillo and snow willow bushes Optimized draw distances
4 Years Ago
Baked billboards for all arctic pine saplings Correctly set pine sapling layers
4 Years Ago
Made all pine saplings harvestable Removed saplings that spawn as bushes
4 Years Ago
Resaved foliage materials to fix AO issues
4 Years Ago
Optimized pine tree saplings Added coliders Lowered LOD distances
4 Years Ago
Color balance tweaks for new grass Sharpened certain plants to bring out the texture details Fix for Temperate_Grass_a not spawning
4 Years Ago
Optimizied wooden cabin wall modules
5 Years Ago
Updated wind settings on new grass
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▋▆▉▆▊▉▍ ▊▉██ ▉█▄▌▋▍ ▆█▍ ▋█▅▉█▅▆▇
5 Years Ago
▇▊▊ █▉▅ ▄▉▄▇ ▆▋▅▌▌▆
5 Years Ago
Separated ice and snow coliders in the ice lakes
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▌▄▋▋▌██▍▉ █▋▇▅▄▊ ▇█▋▊▊▅▆
5 Years Ago
▊▌▅▄▌▊▍▋ ▋▇▊▍▅▅ ▌█▍█▋▌▄
5 Years Ago
ground plants optimization better wind settings increased distance tiling for grass splat
5 Years Ago
▉▄█▄▇▆▄█ ▅▍▅▊
5 Years Ago
▋▌▌▊▇ ▊▅▌▌▌▄▄█ ▇▄▅ ▉▇ ▊█▋▆ ▄▌▄█▌▌ ▋▅▍▍█▅▆ / ▆▊▌▋▍▋█ ▋ ▅▉▇▌▋▇ ▉▌█ ▉▌▊▉▋▍.▊▌▌ ▆▅▊▍▄
5 Years Ago
▅▊█▇▌▋▌ ▋▍▇▍ ▌▍▌ ▊▆ ▆▋▋ ▉▅▉▍▊▍ ▅▍▆▌▅▇▄
5 Years Ago
▍▇▌▊▆▋ ▆▋▍▇▄▊ █▋▄▆▌▋ / ▉█▄▉▉ ▌▆▄▄▆▊.▋▇▍ ▆▅▇▋█
5 Years Ago
▆▉▍▆▊▉▌▋▆▆▍▆▌ / ▅▄█▆▅▋▌▄ ▆▉█▆ ▋▆▊▇▉▆ ▄▅ ▇▌█ ▉▍▍▉ ▆▍▌▊ ▉█▇▄▉▍ / ▄▌▉█▊ ▄▄█ ▍▍▆▅▇▊ ▍▍▄█▆▉ / ▍▇▆▅▉▅▇ ▌▌▋ ▇▆▅█▉█
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▌▍▊▋▄▋_▋██▆▄▉▇ ▄▊▉▇▍▉▄ ▍▍▌▇▇▍ ▉▉█▅▅ ▍▄▉ ▋▍▊▇
5 Years Ago
▋█▆▇▋▅▌▆ ▇▇▇▌
5 Years Ago
▋▌▌▌▌▇▍▆ ▄▊ ▌▆▅▅▊
5 Years Ago
▉▉▆▅▆▇ █▅▅▊ ▍▄ ▊▄▄▅ ▅▅▉▋▆▊ ▌▊▌▋▇▌▉
5 Years Ago
██▊▍▉█▍▅▅▍▊▉▊ ▄█▅▍█▆▅▌ ▌▊▌▅▍▄▄▆ / ▆▌▇▆▊▇█▆ ▋▇ ▍▅▆▋▇ / ▄▄▍▉▉▍ ▉▄▊▉▍▊▋ ▌▋▊▇ ▌▌▌▅▆
5 Years Ago
█▅█▆█ ▅▍ █▊▉▋ ▊▅▅▆▄▍▊ / ██▊▍▄ ▋▇▉▋▇▆▋▇ ▅█▍▆ █▅ ▋█▋ ▅▄▆█▊▆ ▉█▌▌▉▍▉ █▅▉▅▊
5 Years Ago
▆▍▋█▇▇ █▆▌█▊▆▅ / ▆█▅█▇ ▉▊ ▉▉▊█▆▍▍ ▄█ ▋▅▆▉
5 Years Ago
▍▌▍█▄▄▅ ▆▄▆▇▇▉ ▍▊▇▉▊▅▆ ▊▅▇▉ ▍▍▌█/▉█▄/▉▍▍▄▉▆▄
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▍▄█▋▇▅▋▄▅▌▉▊▄▅▄█▉ ▅▋▅▄▉█
5 Years Ago
▉▊▅▇▇▆▇▆▉▆▊▍ ▋▅▉▅▄▊▄▇ ▋▊▌▊
5 Years Ago
▋▇▋███▄▄▋▇▌▌▆▋▍▆▇ ██▇███▍▊
5 Years Ago
█▊▇▌▄▅▄▆▆▆▋ ▆▇▊█▅▌▍ ▄▍▌▋▇▇█▇▌▍ ▍▊▋▄▇▄ ▍█▋▅▆▇ ▄▊▋▊▆ █▊▆▄█ ▊▅▊▄▅▊▇ ▄▇▋▇▅▇▊█▊ ▌▇▋▍█
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▆▉▊▅▄▄▅▋█▋▍ ▄▄▉▋▌▌▋ ▆▍▋▅▅█▇▇▆▋█▋▇ ▍▍▆ ▄▅▄▍▍▋▆ ▄▄▅▌▅▄▌▄▇
5 Years Ago
▌▉▄█▉▆▌▅▇▊▋ ▄▌▆▄▅▉▇▅▄▆▄▅
5 Years Ago
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