31,515 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.33cph!
World model drops for double shotgun, LR300 & bota
Fixed locks not being networked properly
Ramp music intensity up during loading screen
Voice limiting tweaks + some sound optimization
Merge from networking_fuckery
new muzzleflash effect for mp5
Fixed underwater fx not showing
Fixed some hit decals not visible (RUST-1351)
- Added camera worldmodel, LODS, textures & mats
- Now drops camera model instead of burlap sack
Tweaks to rain particle effect to improve drop frequency and density
Reduced rain shader fill rate by packing related textures
Fix sound pitch bug (hopefully, still no reliable local repro on this one)
Small SoundModulation Init optimization
Optimized coarse height slope map generation; now up to 6 times faster on larger maps
Deprecated foliage displacement slope scale bias
shortened the buttstock on the mp5 worldmodel so it doesnt clip into shoudler as much
tweaked the mp5 viewmodel reload anims
tweaked positioning of the muzzlebrake and muzzleboost addons (in 1st person)
adjusted the positioning of the mp5 worldmodel and IK holds
tweaked the size of the silencer attachment ( worldmodel )
Fixed effect instantiates, console messages and console commands showing up as "GroupChange" in profiler
Quicker fade out on mp5 voice limiting
Stop extra voices more aggressively when voice limiting
Merging biome tinting changes and motion vector fixes
updated mp5 silenced attack sound
Entity find commands return both client and server entities in the editor
Fixed rare-ish infinite loop in SoundManager
Cherry picked blend layer fixes from prerelease
move serialized properties on SoundOcclusion outside of if CLIENT
Quick mp5 gunshots for helk
Bring FMOD crash prevention delay times up to old values
Added parent to entity info
Added find_parent command
Do budgeted sound updates via Update instead of a coroutine
Fixed error in entity find commands when group is null
merge from main/soundocclusion
tweaked the position of the muzzlebrake / silencer on some of the weapons
silencer hides tracers
silencer sound max distance is 40m (was 100m)
added mp5
LR300 now craftable
Fixed possible NRE in entity find commands
Added biome tinting to two-way blend shader (RUST-1342)
Added entity debug commands to server build as well
Entities can opt out of the load balanced game object destruction (makes sense for held entities)
Fixed certain entities sending a group changed message before they spawned (which is pointless and ignored on the client)
Log warning when trying to change the group of an entity that does not exist on the client
Added some entity debugging tools (find, find_group, find_id)
mp5 viewmodel and worldmodel prefabs and sound f/x
Moved cginc in shaders/include/standard to shaders/standard/include
Moved cginc in shaders/include/speedtree to shaders/nature/include
Moved grass and std-speedtree* to shaders/nature
Fixed cginc paths in all relevant shaders
Moved water scrips from 3rdparty to scripts/procedural/water
Moved water resources and materials to content/nature/water
Moved water shaders to content/shaders/water
Renamed WaterEx component to Water
Fixed WaterVisibilityTrigger compile error when set to SERVER in the editor
Added support for mesh renderers to wearable pooling
Fixed pumpkin not shown on player after initial use (RUST-1340)
Forcing half res height/slope map until we have decent quarter res precision for foliage displacement