31,515 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.33cph!
fixed attachment points on bolt rifle
Fixed ambient light adjustment inside player buildings being reversed
Deployable component is now prefab attribute (stripped from instances, reduced memory usage)
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Deployable placement sounds
Only log building privilege warning if developer > 0
planner sprint added to player anim controller
map/planner world player anims
map & planner prefab updates
Fixed grass shader when temporal alpha to coverage is disabled
smoothed out rear sight on lr300 viewmodel; fixed some clipping issues with lr300 animations
bolt rifle disabling Ironsights when cycling the bolt
made the LR300 rear sight more large so it's easier to aim down sights
redid all the bolt rifle viewmodel animations (deploy/attack/reload).
added worldmodel script to map.worldmodel prefab
Fixed legacy opengl and d3d9 compilation errors
Renamed dither mask keyword to temporal alpha to coverage
Improved taa filtered dither mask; for vegetation, hair, fur
Deprecated dither opacity mask; now alu based
Tweaked grass alpha multiplier
don't force changes to all EffectRecycle component unless length differs by more than 0.05
muzzle brake adds less of an aimcone penalty
Fixed bumhead and other skin-related lighting issues
Hacked around UI canvas overhead on grass displacement camera
correct collider setup for weapon mod worldmodels
Added map worldmodel, lods, correct folder structure, set holdtype & model drop
speed up the pistol/revolver deploy times even more (it now takes 0.5 seconds to whip out your pistol)
adjusted the deploy times on the pistol/revolver prefab so they match the animation
modified the deploy animations for the pistols/revolvers so they're much quicker
Correctly apply ambient multiplier at runtime
Only log gib warning if developer > 0
Reduced GC from gibs
Updated all CSProj pre and post build tasks to MSBuild syntax (platform agnostic)
seperated flameturret base from the top; top can now rotate!
small sound recycle tweak
Added new weapon mod world models to bundles
Disabled pool.player_model by default for now
red dot sight; fbx, prefab, materials and textures
recycler light + texture size tweaks
Building planner world model drop + LODS
Fixed NRE when sign is destroyed within RequestTextureUpdate delay
recycler, textures, lods, prefab, collision etc
Fixed censorship cube update issues
World model drops for scope, silencer, holosight, muzzlebrake & muzzlebooster
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mp5 deploy/reload/etc sounds
optimized LOD worldmodels for all of the weapons (improves FPS bigly)
new and improved muzzleflashes for all the guns.