31,218 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.33cph!
Fixed server projectiles (i.e. rockets) ignoring cave triggers
Fixed world models / ragdolls ignoring cave triggers
Lanterns can be placed on top of other deployables again (RUST-823)
Tightened valid cupboard deployment angle
ValidBounds rejects positions that are NaN or infinity (RUST-864, maybe)
Dialed back hemp tint randomization
Reduced driftwood density
Wild corn & pumpkins always spawn next to rivers
Fixed plant skins missing from asset bundles
Merge from decay_reboot
Added hemp seeds and hemp farming
Fixed plant planting and harvesting particle effect rotations
Plant server convars actually do what they claim to do
ResourceRef refreshes when no GUID has been saved before (i.e. when changing GameObject to GameObjectRef in code)
Plant skins use prefab pooling
Plants can specify whether or not to switch to the dying state when harvested for the last time
Fixed plant entity leak when their happiness was stuck around 0 (could be caused by genetics or environmental conditions)
Fixed plants skipping their dying skin when exceeding their max number of seasons
loot through walls/flame spawn fix
Missing gibs for the water well - prefab update
Water desalinator deployable files (models, LODs, COLs,Gibs)
Water well deployable files (models, LODs, COLs, Animation)
Matched bone scaling to what it was pre-patch
Quick cloud fix for outdated AMD firepro drivers on glcore/windows
Added rust/stdwire shader to replace custom/wire; powerline cables now cast shadows
Removed deprecated conditional defines
Pause load balancer while a ton of network packets have to be processed (perf + RUST-836)
Fixed viewmodels spazzing out for one frame when deployed
fixed the player_model to use the proper animation controller
tweak the playback speed for some animations
fixed sleeping orientation so it aligns with terrain better
fixed bug with players popping from stand up --> sleeping pose as soon as you walked close to them (the animator was disabled)
added footstep sounds to all the sprint animations
fixed looking into fishtrap resetting timer
fishtrap traps faster
pivot orientation was reset on fishtrap gibs
Fix rain surface ambience not playing
Updated the fishtrap size (-25%)
Fishtrap models, LODs, COL, Gibs and textures
Icon update, prefab update
Disabled dynamic non-uniform scaling on cliff meshes (physics system regression made this very slow)
Network++ (dev servers might warn when loading a save, but no forced wipe)
Disabled HitInfo.MultiHit by default (faster hit sorting, not required with projectile penetration on players disabled)
Fixed metal facemasks not always protecting against headshots (RUST-849)
Fixed speedup when moving diagonally
Fixed NoShadows benchmark
merge from main/mix-polish