116,566 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Population is null bullshit is a warning
Merged editor QOL from
reversed bandage entity changes
fixed endless bandage bug
GameSetup LoadMenu - skip loading menu screen (but load other needed UI)
Skip steam auth in editor
Don't show previous life/respawn screen on first spawn in editor
Added ServerPosition, ClientPosition properties (access transform.localPosition instead of transform.position)
EntityTransformNetworking is obsolete
Added Facepunch.Tick boilerplate
Entity type headers in inspector
PrefabId shown in inspector
PrefabId set in OnValidate - so it can never be unset
Run Preprocess on map entities (editor)
Projectiles send periodic position updates when gravity significantly changes their velocity
Added dynamic occlusion culling system to third party
Updated renderer native plugin to latest
Fixed splat painting (RUST-1482)
Updated native libraries (updated MTU size, RUST-749)
Harbor_1 backup
dock grounds harbor_1 definitive meshes added
Prepping dockwall overhangs
Harbor_1 dressing polish
Loading bay LODs
Some cover tarp meshes for containers
Updated some old prefabs to current models
Cover props moved folder and now fully static
Fixed BaseResource network caching that broke partially harvested mined ore node models (RUST-1479)
Resources, bleach bottle, duct tape, fuel jar, metal blade, metal pipe, road signs, rope, spring. Textures, materials, prefabs, collision and lods
fixed large planter deploy bugs and sizes
Fixed another u55 scripting error from merge
Cleaned CLIENT define from native interop api
Fixed profiler-related script error
fixed invisible guide for planter
re-enabled xmas content (daily event)
coal can be recycled
Properly retired BoneRetarget (fixes RUST-1473)
Wooden crates models/LODs/COLs/Prefabs and textures
Cherry picked 17836; dynamic batching toggle
Re-enabled dynamic batching
Cherry picked deferred mesh decal optimizations
Optimized deferred mesh decal visibility culling; now 5-6x faster + more profile samples
Fixed buffer readback native interop lost in merge
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