112,161 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.19cph!
Fixed some suuuper ugly seams on the hide boot textures
Removed some unnecessary geo on the male hide shirt
Changed the hide shirt material to the double-sided clothing material
Added female hide clothing pieces
Removed some unnecessary geo from the hazmat helmet
Changed the hazmat helmet material to the double sided cloth material
Fixed small issues with the female burlap gloves
Added female hazmat items
Fixed toptier door collider offset (this means its mesh will be offset slightly until paroxum fixes the mesh pivot point)
Female urban boots model and prefab
Fixed a skinning issue with the female burlap shirt
Fixed some wrong path names
Audio clips, optimizing for CPU, loadtime + memory
Made terrain normal calculation more accurate
Reduced terrain heightmap memory usage by 50%
Changed Save/Restore for speed
Added warnings for debugging manifest guid to path
Put the name first in the game manifest
ResourceRef only stores the GUID of the target object
BsaeCorpse ragdollPrefab to GameObjectRef
Fixed pumpkin plant spawning
GameManifest holds guid too
Fixed dropped items wrong prefab name
item.isBlueprint is now a flag
itemcontainer.IsLocked is now a flag
Fixed inconsistent file linkage
Optimizing ambience audi clips for memory/loadtime
Fixed distant terrain blackness
Save prefabs win BuildPrefabs so changes work proper
AssetDatabase.Import when BuildAssetBundles
Allow prefabs to opt out of preprocessing with NoPreProcessing
Fixed player lying down in inventory
Bundle tweaks
Refresh server lists in order to avoid network disconnect
Better EAC disconnect messages
Clean saved user data on server restart
Fixed some small female burlap clothing issues
Added female burlap gloves model and prefab
Updated asset gallery and added a bunch of collision meshes