
2,293 Commits over 701 Days - 0.14cph!

51 Days Ago
Add manual prediction back to BaseArcadeMachine.GetSnapshotFromServer()
51 Days Ago
Regex every single RPC method to remove `null` from it
51 Days Ago
Remove `Connection sourceConnection` method from all RPC overloads
51 Days Ago
Cherrypick SignalBroadcast fix
51 Days Ago
Cherrypick the clientside RPC sourceConnection removal
51 Days Ago
Redo branch in a less conflicting way - Allow `sourceConnection` to be passed into RPC but don't send it
51 Days Ago
Add memory profiler package to the main branch (instead of adding it to local branch every time we want to use it)
51 Days Ago
Made Enqueuing of analytics data points threadsafe
52 Days Ago
Default to 8MB transfer size when benchmarking demo upload Allow transfer size to be overwritten
52 Days Ago
Record disconnects to the demo thread
52 Days Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demos
54 Days Ago
Pass prefab import context into DoPrepare but didn't end up speeding up imports or builds
54 Days Ago
Apply `IDoPrepare` interface to all components with the reflection "DoPrepare" Change `Rust.Editor.ForceLabel()` to not save the asset (you can't save to disk when importing) Remove all "SavePrefabAsset()" calls inside `DoPrepare()` methods Remove all `SetDirty()` calls inside `DoPrepare()`
54 Days Ago
See if we can skip the "PreparePrefabs" part of build process by moving prefab processing from build step -> import step - add AssetPostprocessor to call "DoPrepare" methods while assets are being imported - add IDoPrepare interface to replce the reflection based method
55 Days Ago
merge optimize_build_generate_manifest -> main (test if it makes a difference)
55 Days Ago
Apply `AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing()` to the entire "Update Game Manifest" instead of just "Prefab Prefabs"
56 Days Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demos
56 Days Ago
Don't upload demos when `upload_demos` is set false or when `upload_url` is unset
56 Days Ago
Rename variables inside `FullServerDemos.cs` to be as readable as possible
56 Days Ago
Add `upload_demos` convar to turn off uploading and keep it on disk
56 Days Ago
Missed one file for CS0197
56 Days Ago
Fix CS0197 warnings - change static method `NetRead.Free( ref NetRead )` to `NetRead.RemoveReference()` - move `Interlocked.Increment()` into `NetRead.AddReference()`
56 Days Ago
Fix the server recording inbound packets twice: once from decryption thread & once on the main thread
56 Days Ago
Don't split up PacketId and the rest of the packet
56 Days Ago
Cleanup variable names Fix writing packet length directly to the FileStream instead of the Writer.BaseStream
56 Days Ago
Cleanup convars
57 Days Ago
Improve benchmark demo command
57 Days Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demos
57 Days Ago
Disable global networked bases until we get a fully custom rendering pipeline
57 Days Ago
Add `benchmark_demo_upload` to ensure we don't overload the game server when uploading blobs
57 Days Ago
Prevent assets from reimporting (by calling AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing) when calling `PreparePrefabs` during build Cut down time from 1000s -> 30s: will it work in practice?
57 Days Ago
Fix NRE when trying to access null string ConVars (changed codegen) Run codegen
58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demos
58 Days Ago
Try catch all parts of demo thread (incase of error on startup) Try to create demo directory in multiple places (incase it gets deleted or changed by users) (this will also kick off a new build)
58 Days Ago
Don't record raknet packets used to establish a connection
58 Days Ago
Compile fix
59 Days Ago
Change default flush interval from 1 min -> 5 min
59 Days Ago
Store session start timestamp (when demo recording started) in header Use connection Guid instead of dictionary in player lookup (to avoid players reconnecting causing issues) - change DemoPlayerInfo.SteamId -> Guid (ulong technically) Change path to `server-demos/{serverid}/sessions/{sessionid}/{chunkid}.sdem` (to make it easier to navigate in azure) Fix compressedSize in demo header being incorrect (FileStream.Length > FileStream.Position)
59 Days Ago
Switch from `demo_server_id` -> `server_id` convar - save across restarts - set server_id on startup if not set Remove `upload_token` convar, rely on putting SAS token in upload endpoint for now (can polish later once we figure out how we want to refresh tokens) Fix hardcoded "test" container and use the container from the SAS url
59 Days Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demos
59 Days Ago
Refactor into multiple .cs files as the code has grown
59 Days Ago
Delete demos off disk past a certain quota to avoid consuming entire disk during upload failure Add `server_demo_disk_space_gb` (default 30GB)
59 Days Ago
Allow server demos to be turned on and off at runtime
60 Days Ago
Only disable frustum culling if one of the mirrors cameras is enabled (to avoid an inactive/disabled camera turning off frustum culling)
60 Days Ago
Mark new building meshes as readable = true so they work with multidraw
60 Days Ago
Add `print_instanced_draw_calls` to print draw calls (including how many are batched by multidraw) Allows us to spot materials that have the wrong settings to help reduce draw calls needing to be submitted by the CPU
60 Days Ago
Merge from gnb_shadow_material_improvements -> gnb_support_new_building_skins
60 Days Ago
Enable instancing on building skin materials
60 Days Ago
Re-run converter on building block prefabs to convert all new building skins to instanced rendering