3,461 Commits over 1,007 Days - 0.14cph!
Fixed items being dropped in world instead of destroyed
Fix analytics error in editor
Only destroy 50% of loot when a vending machine is destroyed
Logged missions, underwater crates, buying vehicles & horses, gambling
Enable server performance metrics
Log projectile hits as well as misses
Move AzureWebInterface to new .cs file
Remove LINQ calls from IsAuthed()
Merge from main -> gameplay_analytics
Finish implementation of sending total aggregate of entities & items across server
Give each event its own guid
Typo on indexes & added damage_type to damage log
Add indexes to sqlite table for user wipe ids
Log dropped items, picked up, demolish, dropped explosives, codelocks picked up & fixes
Log monument of all gathered items with an entity, label junkpile & water junkpile spawngroup categories, fix growableentity not logging
SpawnGroup will try to find its monument when Awake() is called, can set "category" to manually set monument / loot source
Add wipe id to every server data point & send server info when server starts up
Log when a player's wipeid is initially set & move some of the aggregate functions to a seperate .cs file
Don't log events unless AnalyticsSecret is set
Save respawnid of player on server to persist across restarts
Custom json serialization to avoid GC hell
Fix some events having the wrong id, fix analytics db having wrong table name, add missing antihack violations, log upkeep consumption, upgrade cost
Log bulk item changes (furnaces, minicopter fuel, etc) by sum amounts and sending every 1 min per entity type
Log making beds & campers public / private
Try catch every hook implemented so far
Log repair, skinning, chat messages, vending machine purchases, vending machine orders added / removed, turret auth, tc auth, team add/remove, codelock add/remove, sleeping bag assignment, building block upgrades, entity pickup,
New table instead of new .db file for each wipe
Initialize analytics db seperately after the .sav is loaded
- meds used
- consumables (food)
- tech tree
- blueprints
- research
Log when building blocks are built
Log Player connect & disconnect
Log Antihack messages
Fix where the wipeId is written to the .sav
Fix analytics DB not closing when serve shuts down
NRE fix when BaseEntity is saved
Cache steamid -> wipeId if you are accessing it outside of BasePlayer
Add unique wipeId to each player so we can identify players across wipes without using steamid
Give each wipe a unique GUID and embed it as an optional value in the .sav
Fix steamid missing when looting crates
Log ithe items that are still in loot crates after they have been opened by a player when they despawn
Log when items despawn & mark the difference when dropped by player vs dropped on death
Log explosives thrown / launched & when explosions go off
Fix MLRS achievement not counting when you dismount the MLRS right after launching
Log attacks & deaths per player
Give each player a unique id per life
Log entities built & store all event ids in static class
Store genetics of harvested plants as strings
Remove GAMEPLAY_ANALYTICS preprocessor directive
Log the player that was last using the recycler when an item is recycled
merge from main -> gameplay_metrics
Breadboard saves connections from breadboard input to components
Increase inputs & outputs on breadboard from 5 -> 10
Gave splitter 4 outputs and made it same model as electric branch but colored white