
2,344 Commits over 701 Days - 0.14cph!

4 Months Ago
Move large backpack to different folder Make the small backpack green as a placeholder model for the large backpack (so it looks different)
4 Months Ago
Fix backpack inventory not expanding to larger amount of slots when backpack item is changed (seemingly a bug with all player containers)
4 Months Ago
Removed "WIP" text from backpack because it looks stupid & too small Just assume the green backpack is a placeholder model Un-delete the small backpack item (whoops)
4 Months Ago
Added large backpack item Placeholder amount of slots (helk will assign intended values) Add "WIP" text to backpack icons Clamp backpack item icons to 256x256
4 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
4 Months Ago
Fix wrapping gift inside of backpack deleting the item
4 Months Ago
Fix no sound when opening backpack on the ground Placeholder zipper sound (from lockers)
4 Months Ago
Merge main -> aux2
4 Months Ago
Merge from main -> backpacks
4 Months Ago
Add field `destroyMarkerOnItemRemoved` to control whether the crate map marker is destroyed when an item is removed from the crate
5 Months Ago
Merge from main -> qol_cached_browser_ping_text
5 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
5 Months Ago
Add `cached_browser_refresh_cooldown` convar (default 60s) Lower cached browser refresh delay from 5min -> 1min on the client
5 Months Ago
Fix attachments not making sound when added to a weapon inside a backpack
5 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
5 Months Ago
Fix backpacks not hiding the tank part of hazmat suits
5 Months Ago
Fix wrapped items being deleted when opened inside backpack
5 Months Ago
Fix item right clicking into backpack after closing the backpack inventory
5 Months Ago
Backpacks will despawn based on the most valuable item inside them
5 Months Ago
Merge from main -> backpacks
5 Months Ago
▆▊▉▉ ▉▆▄█▅▆▆ ▄▋▇▌█▆█ ▌▊▉▋█▋▄█▊▉ ▉▄ ▆▊█▍▇▄▍
5 Months Ago
▄▅▅▄▄▋▋ █▊ ▌▇▊▉▅ █▍▅▄█▍▍ ▌█▊▍▋▇▅ ▆█▌█▉▊▅ █▄▌▆▋▍▄▋▋▍ ▄▅ ▊▋▅▍▅ ▄▅▍▅ & ▊▉▄▇ █▉▅▆▄ ▍▄▍▍ ▍▍▇▋▋ ▄▌▄ ▊▊▌▉▋▇▅ █▊██▊▍▋█▋▍ (\▇, \▇ & ▍▉▋▄▍▆▊) ▌▅▉ █▇▅▅▅ ▄▍▆▋▊▆▄ ▋▇ ▉▊▆▍▅█▊▌▇ ▊▍█▍▉▍▇ ▅▉▍▌ ▆▄▆▉▌▋ ▉█ ▅▊▄▌▋ █▉▇ ▄▊▊▋▍▉ "▍█▆▊▄▇▇█▉" ▋▅▍ `▄█▇▊_▅▇▍▅▋▊▊▄▋_█▄▊▇█` ▌▆▍▋▅▌▇ ▅▋ ▆▅▋▅▇▋ ▌█▅ ▍▇█▆▋▋▌ ▇▌▆▍▉▆▋▄▄▌ ▍▍▇▇▉▇▄▊▊ ▄▍█▆▆▌▄▍ ▊▍▄▊█▅ ▌▋▍▅▅▅▍ █▊ ▄▉▌ ▌▅▋▇▄█▊
5 Months Ago
Include additional performance info about GPUs
5 Months Ago
▆▍▍'▋ ▇█▋ `▄█▊▅▅▌▌ ▄▉` ▄▊▋▌▋▌▊▉▅▇ ▄▋ ▋▊▉▊ ▇▇▅▇ █▇▍▇▅▅█▋ ▆▇ ▄▆▄▅▇▊▍▍▉█ ▇█▊▄█▍▇▋ ▄▉▌█▋ ▋▅▋▊▇▊ ▉▇ ▌▇▋ ▇▋▊▉▇▍
5 Months Ago
(▋▊▆▉▍'▊ ▆▉▇▇ █▇ ▅▇ ▇▍▊▍▋█▊ ▉█▅ ▄▋▆ ▅█ ▌▆▇▍) ▇▋▆▉▊▌▌█▍▍ ▊▊█▊▆▍ ▍▆▅▆ ▋▇▅▅▄▉▅▇ ▅▅█▄▅█▌▉▄ ▇▍ ▅▌'▄ ▋▊▌▉▉▄ (▍▅ █▊▄▅▅ ▍▊▄▉ ▅▊█▆▋ █▉▉▄▌▋▌) ▊▆▍ ▇▋▊▉▇▉ ▍▅█▍ ▋▋ ▄▄▆▌ ▍▄▌▌▉█▋▍ ▅▆▍▉▆▆▇▌█ ▄▋ █▇▅▊ ▍▆ █▍▇▄▋▉ ▉▋ ▄▌▌▋▇ █▍▍ ▊▇▅ ▉█▍▆▊▍▇ ▍▆▌█▌▇▌ ▊▅ ██▌█ ▋▇▋▅ ██ ▄▄▊▌▉▋▋▉ ▇▋▉▋▊▅█▉▇ ▍▉▍ █▌▋▇ ██▌▍█▅▊▋▌ ▅▌▆▇ ▇▆▋▄▌▉ ▌▉▋▌▊▄▅ ▄▌▉█▄▅▇▇█ ▅▌▋▄ ▅▅▋▍█ ▇▅▆▍▊▌▍▊ ▇▌▋▋▊▅▍▆▅
5 Months Ago
▅▌▇▉▋▉▆ ▍█▍▌▋▌▌ █▉▌▌█ ▆▇▄▉ ▋█▉ ▌▄█▄▌▍ ▄▅▇▆▊▊ ▋ ▅▇▌ ▄▇ ▌▄▊▉▇ ▋▋▍▄▆▍▅▇▊ (▄▆▋▅▉█▅▌▊ ▊█▆▍▆▄▆▍ ▉▄▅▌ ▇▌▆▊ ▊ ▆▌▌▌▆▆▌▄ ▉▉█ ▅▇▉▆▄█ ▍▄▅▌█▍▋ ▆▇▅▅▋ ▋▇ █▉▌▅▆▍▌█▆)
5 Months Ago
▊▉▋ ▆▆▊▋█▇ ▊▄▍ ▅▇▋▍█ ▆█▌▆ ▋▇ █▇▌▍▇▅▆▉▋▊
5 Months Ago
Set default bind of "focus map" to `F` Move bind to different realm so it doesn't overwrite flashlight button
5 Months Ago
Add a second label for the `...` so the dots are aligned from left to right
5 Months Ago
Show `...` (animated) while waiting for ping from server instead of `?`
5 Months Ago
S2P on oil rigs
5 Months Ago
Allow entities with the `DisableSaving` component (acts as a tag) & `EnableSaving == false` to respawn every single restart Change entities that are part of radiation alarm in oil rig & small oil to respawn each restart
5 Months Ago
Fix lights & alarm not turning off when the crate respawns
5 Months Ago
Fix SERVER compile errors
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Subtract 90203
5 Months Ago
Merge from main -> qol_hbhf_dialog
5 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
5 Months Ago
Fix compile error when neither SERVER or CLIENT is defined
5 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
5 Months Ago
Fix compile errors in WorldItem.Server (from merge?) and BackpackInventoryPanel (from me)
5 Months Ago
Regenerate manifest after merge rather than guessing merge conflicts
5 Months Ago
Fix Input.cs compile error from main
5 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
5 Months Ago
Re-run codegen after merge
5 Months Ago
Fix ItemIcon.cs compile error after refactor of input keys on item move to an enum
5 Months Ago
Merge from main -> backpacks
5 Months Ago
Increase culling distance of amber light from 65m -> 150m (this light is only seen on oilrig & excavator) Increased LOD settings of light to prevent it going lowest LOD until 120m away
5 Months Ago
Play radiation alarm once the radiation value is above the threshold instead of at the threshold (meaning radiation > 0)
5 Months Ago
Fix typo causing all radiation to bypass armor