userJames Kingcancel

437 Commits over 92 Days - 0.20cph!

10 Years Ago
Added Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor to source control.
10 Years Ago
Added premake5.exe
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Updated .gitignore
10 Years Ago
Upgraded premake to recent development build, removed prepackaged game files.
10 Years Ago
Premake script now generates game project files.
10 Years Ago
Updated premake4.lua
10 Years Ago
Renamed GameAPI.lua to premake4.lua
10 Years Ago
Added premake4 script.
10 Years Ago
Finished cleaning project.
10 Years Ago
Removed visual studio files.
10 Years Ago
Removed compiled binaries.
10 Years Ago
Added word wrapping to the BudgetBoy.Text class.
10 Years Ago
Another possible fix.
10 Years Ago
Possible fix for coroutines added to Sequential / Parallel aborting early.
10 Years Ago
Fixed Parallel / Sequential Add methods, allowed IEnumerator<Awaitable> methods to be used as coroutines.
10 Years Ago
Fixed coroutine method calls not being usable for Parallel/Sequential Add methods.
10 Years Ago
Changed Sequential and Parallel to have more control over how they terminate.
10 Years Ago
Added alternative constructors for Sequential and Parallel that instruct them to wait for inner awaitables.
10 Years Ago
Added Parallel.Add(awaitable) and Sequential.Add(awaitable) methods.
10 Years Ago
Refactored coroutine creation.
10 Years Ago
Fixed a null reference exception in Awaitable.Coroutine.OnUpdate()
10 Years Ago
Fixed a stack overflow in Awaitable.Update()
10 Years Ago
Partial (aborted) removal of WaitForCoroutine method.
10 Years Ago
Added some Random methods to Mathf.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade Conflicts: Resources/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll
10 Years Ago
Started work on cleaning up building on Unix.
10 Years Ago
Some additional coroutine utility classes and methods.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade Conflicts: Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor/GameAPI.Editor.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.dll
10 Years Ago
GameCabinet.IsLocallyControlled is now no longer publicly settable, and StartLocallyControlling(camera) / StopLocallyControlling() must be used.
10 Years Ago
Possible fix for duplicate highscores being logged.
10 Years Ago
Added game state saving / loading to SmashBlox, untested.
10 Years Ago
Removed Test game.
10 Years Ago
Games now pause when control is lost, and reset after 10 seconds.
10 Years Ago
Started work on games pausing when control ends.
10 Years Ago
Entity.OnUpdate() now automatically advances any animations used by sprites within the entity.
10 Years Ago
Added a Coroutine class to encapsulate started coroutines, with Suspend() and Resume() methods.
10 Years Ago
Fixed new primitive rendering methods not throwing an exception when used outside of OnRender()
10 Years Ago
Implemented Graphics.FillRect
10 Years Ago
Latest GameAPI.dll and fixed drawing lines of thickness > 1.
10 Years Ago
Fixed line drawing.
10 Years Ago
Implemented Graphics.RenderLinesFromStream
10 Years Ago
Some extra effects added to SmashBlox.
10 Years Ago
Added particles to SmashBlox to test Graphics.DrawPoints
10 Years Ago
Implemented Graphics.RenderPointsFromStream
10 Years Ago
Implemented Graphics.FillRect
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
10 Years Ago
Implemented Graphics.DrawLine(s)
10 Years Ago
Implemented Graphics.DrawPoint(s)
10 Years Ago
Split BudgetBoy.Graphics into several files.