13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!
Can now collect Scarecrow heads with skinning knife
Replaced radiation removal tea with the anti rad tea in the food cache loot table
Store the user ID of the player who last edited the VM name (needs a protobuf gen to persist through save/load)
Don't show NPC vending machine names
Fixed some duplicate arms
Reworked shield viewmodel coding to live on a new self contained component
Updated viewmodels with new assets
Add a per layer weight slider
Merge from elevator_world_deploy_fix
Adjust the lower bounds of the world deploy volume of elevators so they can more easily be placed on foundations that are close to the terrain
PrefabReplacer now has a string lookup mode as well as it's normal selection mode
String lookup mode can include inactive objects, as well as exact matches
All replaces done with this tool now support a single undo operation (eg. replace 4 objects with a prefab, a single undo will undo all 4)
Add Facepunch.AdditiveTimeline plugin
Merge from set_local_player_visible
Merge from demo_shot_delete_fix
Fixed error when deleting a folder with demo shots inside
Camera recording convars now only save pos/rot/scale and fov changes in the resulting animation file
ForceDetailColour script now defaults to white with 100% alpha
SaveShotFolderAsAnim command now accepts a string parameter, if provided only shots in the provided folder will be saved. Passing no string will save shots in the root folder
Added SaveAllShotsAsAnim, exports all shots regardless of folder
Fixed shield inputs being processed while inventory is open
Fixed shield deploying when it shouldn't if the shield was placed in the backpack slot while an incompatible held entity is equipped
Fixed holstered shields parenting to the spine bone with a 70m offset
Wooden shield variant setup
Set up improvised shield prefab variants
Show vending machine names in the F1 UGC panel
Deleted underwater_divesites scene folder, all divesites now use a prefab based workflow
Applied a force include SceneToPrefabTag to the rocks root in most affected monuments (rocks were being ignored by HLOD because their root was below the cutoff for HLOD generation)
S2P Trainyard, Arctic Research Base, Satellite DIsh, Powerplant, NMS, Military Tunnel, Lighthouse, Harbor 1
More accurate HLOD warnings for renderer setup issues (missing materials, mismatched submesh counts, etc)
Fixed "Create HLOD" button on HLODBounds component reusing previous bakes
Revert radtown scene to version from radtown_fixes, has more up to date fixes
Merge from radtown_monument_fixes
Added a ServerTick method to HeldEntity, called when the player is holding it
Added server side shield positioning to approximately map where the shield will be on the server to match the client (as held entities just get parented to the root on the server but we need accurate positioning for this)
Shields can now take hits from server side projectiles like auto turrets and NPC's
Some folder restructuring now that we have actual assets
Merge from main (stomp PlayerAnimation, will need to redo changes)
Proof of concept for using AsyncGPUReadback to get the mesh data from the GPU even if it's been marked as non r/w
Only grabs vertices for now
Adjusted RendererBatch inspector to more accurately recommend fixes (eg. LOD0 and LOD1 are incompatible but LOD2 is batchable, now shows all issues and a buton mark the mesh as r/w)
Updated the scene wide fixers to mark a mesh as r/w if at least one mesh in a LOD hierarchy is compatible with batching
Reran the automated updater, gixed a further 62 items
This brings the batches in radtown to around 2300, a saving of around 700
Added a warning to the RendererBatch component if a mesh has been assigned that is not compatible with renderer batching
Checks for submeshes, vert counts and r/w status
Added a tool in "Tools/Optimize/Find RendererBatch not marked read write/Fix" that will enable r/w on any models in the scene that are otherwise compatible with batching
Ran this on radtown, picked up 177 objects
S2P radtown
Fixed a bunch of props in radtown that were either missing LOD components entirely or using LODGroups
S2P and HLOD generation
Fixed some placeholder stuff for gesture slots that are empty
Fixed radial menu defaulting to the text of the last opened radial menu if opening a new menu that has no enabled options (bug is extremely old, very obvious when switching between gesture wheels)
Revert WaterSystem.cs to the version from main, should make merges easier. Looks like it was missing a bunch of stuff due to various botched merges over the years
Added demo.saveShotFolderAsAnim, saves all shots of the current demo as anim files
Fixed large stables vendor getting killed on server restart
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