userJarryd Campicancel

1,016 Commits over 1,705 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Added "entcount" admin command, prints out all entities associated with a given player (TC auth, lock auths, etc) Supports an optional entity name parameter to filter results (eg. lock.code) Supports --json
1 Year Ago
Vedning machine map clusters now have a green circle to better stand out on the map
1 Year Ago
Expose limit fps in background option in Screen section of Options menu
1 Year Ago
Change all growable plant checks to use Debris layer, fixes being able to place multiple plants in the same planter slot
1 Year Ago
Removed performance cost of DynamicMouseCursor by extending StandaloneInputModule and accessing the protected last raycast data, improves CPU time by 0.5ms while cursor is visible
1 Year Ago
Fixed hurt punch screen overlay occurring when the debug cam is active
1 Year Ago
Added fps.limitInBackground client convar that reduces fps cap to 15 while the game isn't in focus Doesn't apply in the editor as clicking outside the game view in Unity is considered not in focus Don't report performance analytics while the client is in the background if this setting is on
1 Year Ago
Fixed viewmodels not appearing after reconnecting if player disconnects while gesturing
1 Year Ago
client.showcaminfo is now saved
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Increased size of prevent building volume around ziplines (this will also remove more trees around ziplines) Post zipline spawn tree checks are now larger
1 Year Ago
Animal idle animations now have a randomised cycle offset so they won't play their animation in sync with other animals Applied to horses, wolves, chickens, bears, boars and stags
1 Year Ago
Fixed wooden signs not being able to be picked up
1 Year Ago
Free spray radial option when holding a spray can will now read "Free Spray" instead of "Graffiti Pack" (Will need a phrase rebuild)
1 Year Ago
Merge from timeline_recorder (cinematic tools, should have no impact at runtime)
1 Year Ago
Merge from firstpersonspectate (various fixes)
1 Year Ago
Merge from tools_demo (allows F1 layer toggling in demos)
1 Year Ago
Fix hardcore tag in server browser not toggling
1 Year Ago
Fix exceptions after respawning when a player gets killed mid conversation Fixed conversation UI remaining active after respawning
1 Year Ago
Remove death info log
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Fixed NRE when submitting items in a dropbox
1 Year Ago
Update radio stations
1 Year Ago
Revert cactus 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and reapplied BoundsCheck component
1 Year Ago
Fixed screen shakes not applying while first person spectating in a demo
1 Year Ago
Merge from zipline_trees (trees should no longer spawn in places that will block ziplines)
1 Year Ago
Fixed Jump and Duck buttons not working in demos to switch between first person spectate targets Fixed some cases where the body mesh could remain visible when switching between players in a demo while spectating Fixed some crosshair issues when switching between players in a demo while spectating
1 Year Ago
No longer need to add potential player death sources to the master list on the Death Screen prefab, added a "shownOnDeathScreen" toggle on the PrefabInformation and the list is generated at runtime Enabled the new toggle on all prefabs that were in that list
1 Year Ago
Merge from content_reporting
1 Year Ago
Merge from single_pickup_notice
1 Year Ago
Fixed admin UGC browser delete button not working
1 Year Ago
Sprays will no longer respect the Decay.upkeep_inside_decay_scale convar, they wiill always decay based on Global.SprayDuration even if they are indoors
1 Year Ago
Prevent incorrect decay calculation if global.SprayDuration is set to 0
1 Year Ago
SetHorseBreed now only requires admin (was developer only)
1 Year Ago
Add global.consolescale to change the font size in the console window
1 Year Ago
Increase max ESP player info budget time to 5ms
1 Year Ago
Fixed GameTips error if a player who has never used voice chat walked close to an NPC
1 Year Ago
Fixed tea vitals not sized correctly
1 Year Ago
Fix handheld boom box not working (broken in 73143)
1 Year Ago
Fix typos in new aggressive lod convars
1 Year Ago
More boom box sync improvements FIxed case where turning boom box+speaker system on/off repeatedly would alternately result in connected speakers not working
1 Year Ago
Fixed error when scientists dismount helicopter at oil rig
1 Year Ago
Merge from genetic_vending
1 Year Ago
Include TargetEntity as a string, not a uint
1 Year Ago
Reworked radio streaming LOD system to fix connected speakers playing distorted audio if player leaves range of root boom box Improved audio sync when playing radio through multiple connected speakers
1 Year Ago
Increased maximum length of replicated string variables to 1024 characters, will allow 4x as many server assigned radio stations
1 Year Ago
Increased size of radio station picker UI
1 Year Ago
Re-enable TargetEntity in Feedback reports
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Fixed a broken radio station, added new stations