1,248 Commits over 1,949 Days - 0.03cph!
Fix fishing not working
Fixed exception when changing servers (PopulateShelters)
Switch renderers on lots of physics projectiles back to Default instead of Physics Projectiles as we don't render Physics Projectiles
Any colliders were kept on the Physics Projectiles layer
Affected projectiles:
Dragon launcher is now compatible with viewmodel camera
Merge from shelter_pool_fix, hopefully fixes zipline issues
Merge from io_budget_health
Fixed incorrect calculation when substituting components in repair costs, fixes some items being too cheap to repair
Fix for GetEntityDecayDuration NRE
Convar comment typo fix
Fix MapView not resizing it's team positions array and not showing all of the team markers
Add a response with the current state when running ToggleSpectateTeamInfo
Merge from confetti_cannon
Fix not being able to reload snowball gun
Fix some unintended snowball gun weapon rack interactions
Merge from dec_2023_redirects
Fix missing world model outline on vampire stake
EmissionOffsetStepped is now client only and won't run if the camera is further than 15m away
Merge from reduce_warning_spam (editor only)
Remove some debug draws in
Merge from Twitch_Rivals_IV
Merge from Twitch_Rivals_IV
Removed some #if UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER defines now that we've finally updated
Fixed world items not getting skins applied
Fixed mirrors not working in demos
Merge from base_decor_dlc
Merge from base_decor_dlc
Potential AttackHelicopterTurret Load NRE fix
Merge from ghost_sheet_fixes
Fixed exception when using teleport2death if the player hasn't died yet
Merge from report_npc_fix
Merge from tc_layout_update
Merge from detailed_vehicle_dismount_times
Merge from toggle_vending_machines_map
Merge from console_window_improvements
Merge from dof_exposer_improvements
Fixed player potentially getting stuck in the skydiving pose when stuck between two objects and considered non grounded
Skydiving animations will now only play if the players velocity is > 10, should also fix some reports of the animation triggerring while climbing ladders
Fixed some IK weirdness during parachute deploy animation in third person introduced in
Removed the legacy parachute animations in the player controller, they weren't being used but were throwing some warnings on boot
Improved hand IK easing on first person parachute, created a new SetParameterCurveAnimatorBehaviour behaviour to set a float parameter over time during an animator state
Added vehicles to the parachute pre deploy space checks. Prevents parachutes getting deployed too early when jumping out of the scrap transport helicopter hitting the helicopter and instantly killing the parachute
Water level must be at least 5m below the players height before deploying the parachute, fixes jumping with a parachute equipped while standing on an rhib deploying the parachute (which would immediately crash and hurt the player)
Merge from dof_exposer_improvements
Add missing SeekingServerProjectile component
I think this got removed somehow in
87271 and broke homing missiles
Merge from mountinput_fix
SeekerTarget NRE prevention
Merge from HomingMissileLauncher
Fixed NRE when attempting to inspect or unlock homing missiles (null item in additional unlocks array)
Fixed a warning log getting spammed every time a blueprint is selected in the inventory
Fixed first person spectating not properly hiding the head section of the player model when mounted to a mountable set to First Person with Arms
Fixed TimedExplosive throwing a server error if it's missing an explosion effect (occurred when a flare times out)