14,488 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.22cph!
Rough process for preventing multiple vines from overlapping when parked
Remove VineSpawnPoint tag, parent tree now stores a list of vine spawn points
Don't mark the adobe stuff as hidden, easier for testing
Adjust the ladder trigger setup on the tree
Align to terrain when possible
New RepositionOnGroundMissing component, move objects down in the world instead of being destroyed when their underlying surface is destroyed
Reapply LookAtHealth changes
Possible fix for having to click twice to reskin an item in the repair bench if switching from a redirect to a workshop skin
Reworks a bunch of repair bench logic, still a bit of a nightmare
Removed old chicken assets (20 files, about 30mb)
Adjust alignment a little to match the railroad planter
Retake triangle planter icon, fixed alignment
Fixed warning spam when cooking food in the cursed cauldron
Fixed meat losing it's stack size when it spoils
Fixed hopper removing any item attachments from weapons/armour it picks up
The item contents should only be removed if the item is a backpack
Also added a few checks to ensure the rigidbody exists before trying to modify it (modded issue)
Check if player model exists before trying to assign skin variables
Fix small trophy player heads not appearing on first time player enters network range
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Harvesting tea now applies when gutting fish (will only affect the meat parts, not the bonus chance items like cloth, flares, bullets, etc)
Fixed harvesting tea accidentally applying 1.5x the resources, should be 0.5x
Fixed UI displays, is now in line with other harvesting teas
Fixed harvesting tea not applying to every resource when harvesting
Possible alternate spoiling food stacking rule: add server.normalisedFoodSpoilTimeStackThreshold convar
If both food items have a normalised spoiling amount greater than this convar, they will be allowed to stack
Default to 0.9, meaning that raw meat can be stacked in the first 36m of it's life and cooked meat can be stacked in the first 2 hours (and change) of it's life
When food stacks like this the more spoiled item takes priority so some life will be lost from the fresher meat
Should help some unfotunate stacking side effects when harvesting meat
Possible fix for CheckEggDrop NRE
Force server premium toggle to off, fixes clients getting kicked for invalid auth after 60s
Fixed existing preimum servers appearing with a lock icon
Disable client side checking of premium status
Disable server side auth of premium status
Hide premium filter in server browser
Hide premium tag on servers in server browser
More refactoring, entirely remove the Vine class
Vine mountable now tracks all state once spawned, isn't destroyed on player dismount
Provides much simpler client side vine visual management
Draw debug arrows for vines
Move responsibility for storing destinations to the Vine, not the LaunchPoint
Vine now tracks if it is at it's start location or a destination, when at a destination can only swing back to origin
Fixed fridge power light going off when being reskinned
Added a new "IgnoreSkinReplacement" tag to opt out renderers from the skin system
Set Incapacitated player flag to false when respawning
Fixed max health hardcoded to 100 in BasePlayer.MaxHealth (no gameplay change)
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Removed hidden storage adaptor mesh inside the hopper
Change roll logic to only use a single roll rather than subsequent rolls for each armour slot. Should increase number of armour slots
Fixed hopper not draining batteries, now has 8 power consumption at all times
Removed some TriggerHurt logs
Created a custom bee trigger hurt to support modifying the hurt info
Fixes PvE
Merge from crafting_slots_rolls
Applied matching armour slot settings to knight pants and hat
Fix logic not respecting minimum slots
Assign OwnerId to bee swarms spawned from grenades