14,488 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.22cph!
Fixed frontier icons not mip mapping
Fixed frontier wall item move sounds
Fixed high external frontier walls not dropping gibs
Fix frontier wall not respawning properly when reskinned
Merge from deployable_corpse
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Merge from high_walls_skins
Update wall.external.high.adobe.sitem ID due to easter conflict
Commit material meta file, it should be removed eventually though
Add debug.applyBuildingBlockRandomisation to force a wall piece to be a particular variant
Reapply the randomisation feature, was lost in a merge from main
Frontier gate setup
Added some checks to the ItemSkin editor to catch misconfigured research and loot table behaviour
Fixed TerrainCollision component throwing errors in edit mode
Can no longer reskin objects with the spray can if they have been recently damaged or have ladders or explosives attached
Update MidiJack plugin for Apple Silicon, fixes instruments throwing an exception when equipped
Unable to test functionality due to lack of local hardware but no code was changed, just a rebuild
Added a new RPC to roughly sync the players local shield power bar with the server every half a second
Merge from coop_improvements
Don't allow the player to start petting another chicken while they are already petting a chicken (it worked, but printed a warning on the client and looked bad)
Merge from coop_improvements
Added an indicator to the consumable food info panel if a food item can be fed to chickens
Added a tooltip to the food slot on the chicken coop that lists all compatible food
Chickens now start producing eggs at 75% happiness (was 50%)
This aligns with the green smiley face on the status widget, so no green face = no eggs
Chickens now spawn with all of their needs between 20%-40% (was 40-80)
Don't allow chicken name changes from players that don't have building auth (still allow egg thefts though)
Merge from food_spoil_nre_fix
Use the condition bar on item icons to show food spoil progress
Fix both spoiled and non-spoiled models appearing briefly when meat dropped in the world spoils
Fixed a food spoiling NRE
Fixed some edge cases that would have resulted in food disappearing when it spoils if the container it was in was full
Merge from horse_handcuff_fix
Fixed not being able to mount handcuffed players to the new horse when it has a double saddle
Changed RidableHorse2 IsSwimming flag to Reserved13, was overlapping with HasDriver
Fixes permanently swimming horses
Merge from repair_bench_redirect_fix
Fixed being able to apply same redirect skin twice
Merge from repair_branch_redirect_fix
More init refactoring, should support proc gen placement now (in theory)
More save+load work
Fixed swings starting at wrong rotation briefly
Fixed arc calculation getting inverted after loading a save
Vine mountables now save and load
Hook up 3p anims
Move animation files into vine swinging folder
Change chair.static to use vine swinging anim for easier testing, animations appear broken
Adjust angle limits
Initial handling for trees being destroyed - nearby vines are notified and update their detination lists, will self destruct if no destinations are available
If a vine is parked away from it's home tree and that tree is destroyed the vine will swing back to to it's home tree
Better vine visual rotation handling, use burst cloth for now
Added the ability to throw a vine - sends the vine to the target destination without mounting it
Vine will now continue to it's destination if the player dismounts it mid swing