
693 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.01cph!

4 Years Ago
RainFoggy/RainClear reworked into RainHeavy/RainMild
4 Years Ago
Better snowfall
4 Years Ago
Removed noise generator from old snow for perf.
4 Years Ago
Nixed X offset on snow emission
4 Years Ago
PFX scene backup
4 Years Ago
Stormy snow variant
4 Years Ago
Rain impact improvements.
4 Years Ago
More voluptous mild snowfall. Snowflakes stop rotating on impact. Lightning cloud highlight texture set to high quality. Fog multiplier in climate.prefab
4 Years Ago
More profile stuff
4 Years Ago
Weather profiles (WIP) Tweaked base sky twilight cloud color to be slightly less orange Sun mesh brightness up a bit for fog compatibility
4 Years Ago
Stormy rain offset through walls bug fix.
4 Years Ago
Tweaks to night cloud & fog density. Disabled two of the tiny billboarded clouds because their density is most whack in certain scenarios.
4 Years Ago
Better stormy rain. Slight emission offset to compensate for horizontal movements
4 Years Ago
Stormy rain params. Stripped noise generation out of rain for emitter perf.
4 Years Ago
Rain tweaks
4 Years Ago
Merge from weather2
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Fixed some assets that were creating useless mats on fresh lib.
5 Years Ago
Milder bandit town fog. Tuna light shadows using more forgiving settings, less prone to bugging out on certain assets. Bandit town lamp post prefabs have a milder glow. Tweaked falloff on their distance flares. Bandit town S2P.
5 Years Ago
Added two more backup light boxes to raise disabled visibility from the outside.
5 Years Ago
Trying automatic culling mode on exhaust vfx to maybe fix the spritesheet animation occasionally glitching out. S2P excavator
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Fixed trigger issue on engine exhaust.
5 Years Ago
Fixed particle+volumetric sorting glitches. Engine exhaust vfx. S2P Excavator.
5 Years Ago
Dig FX
5 Years Ago
10% more player velocity on belts.
5 Years Ago
Engine room strobe perf optimization & wall bleed fixes. Building ambient dimmers in the engine room.
5 Years Ago
Merge from excavator_fixes
5 Years Ago
Horse ragdoll doesn't wrap around itself. Horse materials GPU instanced. Ragdoll scene.
5 Years Ago
Disabled 'dynamic' on weapon VFX Particle System Cull scripts.
5 Years Ago
3rd person IK fix on world muzzle vfx.
5 Years Ago
Ejection improvements.
5 Years Ago
Full ADS core billboard hide. Rifle cartridges don't motion blur. Cleanup.
5 Years Ago
ADS semi hide backup
5 Years Ago
Rifle ADS setting test. Cleanup.
5 Years Ago
Muzzle lightEX improvs.
5 Years Ago
Spas worldmodel fix.
5 Years Ago
Muzzleflash hue tweak. 3x3 muzzle billboard atlas can be a bit smaller too.
5 Years Ago
Pistol tweaks. M92 doesn't have the crude powder effect.
5 Years Ago
Fatter bolt cartridge.
5 Years Ago
Fixed the M39 attack_ADS animation not calling a shell ejection event.
5 Years Ago
Merge from weapons.
5 Years Ago
Bandit town fog: Half as saturated, slightly more brownish. Less bright at twilight. 175 render distance.
5 Years Ago
Merge from cave_large_sewers
5 Years Ago
Cloning vat fx mat uses a new fresnel feature. Cleaned redundant files.
5 Years Ago
Snowball has subsurface scattering and uses half the texture memory.
5 Years Ago
Light prefab fix.