
694 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.01cph!

9 Years Ago
Missing files.
9 Years Ago
Medical crate graphics.
9 Years Ago
Increased Savas silo loot respawn rate.
9 Years Ago
Fixed barrels spawning on top of each other. Removed _dm Savas version completely. (for now, it was never properly playable)
9 Years Ago
Final loot rate tweaks.
9 Years Ago
Increased loot spawn rate on Savas.
9 Years Ago
Missing loot asset file. Savas cliff topology. (No floating trees and bushes)
9 Years Ago
Slightly less overwhelming bush spawns on Savas. Added a new food crate loot type. Turned one Savas compound into a food town. Built manifest.
9 Years Ago
SavasIsland isn't missing half the decor spawns anymore.
9 Years Ago
Hapis has topomaps for barrel spawnage again.
9 Years Ago
SavasIsland_koth playable. Removed _dm from BuildSettings. (for now)
9 Years Ago
Added SavasIsland_dm and _koth to BuildSettings. (wip)
9 Years Ago
Tree-fields-bare alpha fix. Savas scene stuff.
9 Years Ago
Missing files.
9 Years Ago
Pre-topozone SavasIsland.
9 Years Ago
Standalone concrete barricade prefab.
9 Years Ago
Tree mat improvements. Island wip.
9 Years Ago
Savas radtowns.
9 Years Ago
Savas loot locations.
9 Years Ago
Savas triplet radtown.
9 Years Ago
Savas roads.
9 Years Ago
Savas pre-road
9 Years Ago
Cliff block, 9 & 10 cull fix.
9 Years Ago
Missing file.
9 Years Ago
Savas progress.
9 Years Ago
Bush creeps can now hide from players running low quality setting.
9 Years Ago
Oak material improvements. Downsized some blank textures to 32.
9 Years Ago
Bare pine alpha branch fix.
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Savas island scene files. (wip)
9 Years Ago
Terrain4.mat too.
9 Years Ago
Rockmats from other branch.
9 Years Ago
Elephant grass & mountain cloud effect tweaks.
9 Years Ago
Added hemp plants to Hapis Island forests. Picking them gives clo... I mean plant fibers
9 Years Ago
Second loot table tweak for barrels.
9 Years Ago
Barrels and ore don't respawn in ocean.
9 Years Ago
Mountain peak fume effect.
9 Years Ago
Barrels spawn on Hapis.
9 Years Ago
Nighttime tweak.
9 Years Ago
Collectable mushrooms and rocks on Hapis.
9 Years Ago
Enterable tunnels, for real this time. Storm drain assets.
9 Years Ago
Hapis ignore terrain collider triggers.
9 Years Ago
Scene stuff. Horror tree fix.
9 Years Ago
Downsized and filtered the miner hat emissive map to help mitigate the crazy bloom flicker at a distance. Scene backup.
9 Years Ago
Recovered the Hapis tunnels.
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Hapis scene file.
9 Years Ago
Tempdelete to bypass silly error.
9 Years Ago
More consistency in terrain-grass spec. Retoned some trees. Less flowers. Fixed snow pine floaters for real this time. Spawn table adjustments.
9 Years Ago
Missing files.