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Lighting progress & related files
Prefab backup & light fixture mat tweaks
Lighting prefab.
Tweaks to new office ceiling A fixtures.
Phonebooth lighting tweaks.
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Final atlas files.
Scene backup
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White premultiplication on 6p textures to improve haloing.
Cleaned up all the old crap.
Naming convention.
New atlas renders made for the updated shader.
Final tweaks now that the screenspace camera code feature is in.
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Fixed the most awful chat field UI bug.
Prefabbed changes (some bugs remain)
Fixed new TV snow with temporal AA
Clarity enhancements.
Better screen snow.
CRT'esque frame using the new vignettes instead of a texture.
Cherrypicked serialization fix
Tweak because white on blue bg is pretty retro
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Fully fixed the banding issues on 6P
Another iteration of 6P files.
Further tests. Scene test setup.