
8,371 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!

36 Days Ago
Adjusted IO table LOD distances. (LOD1 no longer kicking in when you're almost touching it)
36 Days Ago
Optimized IO table texture settings and sizes. Fixed AO on it not being linear (too dark)
36 Days Ago
Finalized cooking workbench lighting&fx
37 Days Ago
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37 Days Ago
Cooking table progress
37 Days Ago
Added some polygons to the cooking workbench liquid bottle that was looking a little PS2.
37 Days Ago
Emissive texture tweaks.
37 Days Ago
Cooking Workbench FX & Lighting WIP.
37 Days Ago
Cherrypicked fireflickerfix.
37 Days Ago
Merge from fireflickerfix
37 Days Ago
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37 Days Ago
Optimized cooking workbench texture settings/sizes. Removed a couple of textures that weren't doing anything (flat) Set AO to Linear.
37 Days Ago
Molotov fix & damage values normalized for 5 fireballs.
37 Days Ago
Molotov fire consistency update
37 Days Ago
Merge from main
37 Days Ago
Molotov stuff for the orientation fix.
38 Days Ago
Final conversion.
39 Days Ago
Progress backup
41 Days Ago
Split the meat processing FX into two; human corpse and other flesh.
42 Days Ago
Corpse ingestion FX & gib files.
42 Days Ago
Hopper suction + related mat/textures. Added texture scroll to VertexLit Blended Custom
43 Days Ago
Light setup for Hopper + related mats & meshes.
43 Days Ago
Optimized hopper textures. Removed that 2k emission texture that was just black. Removed the on/off text from the lights because that's not what they will indicate anymore.
43 Days Ago
45 Days Ago
More profile WIP.
45 Days Ago
More cloud setup. Radius shrunk from 6mil to 60k to get the horizons & sunsets better.
45 Days Ago
Cloud configuration
48 Days Ago
Merge from main.
48 Days Ago
Merge from main
49 Days Ago
Less horizontal frustum shift on the torch holder fire vertical billboard.
49 Days Ago
Fixed fire FX flickering off for a split second every few seconds in the Campfire, Furnaces and Fireplace. (Unity particle system change?)
51 Days Ago
Final tweak on the deployed siege explosion effects, to make them behave properly on ground placement.
51 Days Ago
Deployed explosive lit state.
51 Days Ago
Deployed canister explosion WIP. Uses own prefab instead of sharing with catapult ammo.
51 Days Ago
Updated lit state FX.
51 Days Ago
Flame explosion for deployed cata ammo.
52 Days Ago
Piercer pen FX rotated to the new system. Debug gizmo disabled. Shifted it forward 0.05 for extreme angles.
53 Days Ago
Siegetower col effect.
53 Days Ago
Ballista collision iteration. Catapult collision.
53 Days Ago
Ballista collision impact fx.
53 Days Ago
Sped up cata ammo fire a bit.
53 Days Ago
Fixed some impact gibs getting stuck in walls.
53 Days Ago
Fixed missing LOD scripts.
54 Days Ago
Tweaked screen shake on explosive catapult shot.
54 Days Ago
Fixed some minor catapult FX issues. Cleaned up temp files.
54 Days Ago
Updated wood & metal shield impacts.
54 Days Ago
Incendiary catapult projectile has its own larger fireball spawn. Spawn fewer of them.
54 Days Ago
Flame arrow less stretchy during the middle of the mini crossbow reload animation.