8,345 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Terrain work around new western twin lakes
More cliffs. Cliffs for days. Years.
West>Mid area cliffs & terrain
Area around Waste Management.
Nixed full screen wiggle because lerp bug
Various other minor tweaks
Low oxygen full screen effect
Sculpts around new cliffs
Mid area progress.
Hapis specific mat fix.
Shifted snow biome boundaries further north away from new desert
Splat cleanup facing new desert
South into mountains transition area WIP
Compound & river area WIP
Hapis south progress/backup.
Minor light intensity tweak on underwater explosion fx.
Added submarine interior env quality parameters
Same treatment for Solo sub
Fixed some duosub cabin lights being in the wrong group and thus disabled.
Darker indirect lighting inside duosub.
Additional shadow helper rendered while inside the duosub.
Toned down the overwhelming barrage of water droplets hitting the submarine windshields
Fixed surface explosion pinkishness from material not being assigned.
Fixed pink surface splash
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Blood water fx tweaks.
Only renders underwater.
Submarine headlight flare & volumetric improvements
Submarine headlight parameter tweaks
Nixed some unused params from profile
Post profile to use within submarines
Temporarily disabled window film effect because submarine rotation breaks the subemitter chain for some unknown reason