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Jumped a bunch of silly hoops to get the modular mine dirt grounds to match our biome tinted terrain dirt ground.
New hapis specific tarmac and road decal mats with biome tinting
Road network consistency fixes + related
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Remaining RT3 terrain topo
Recyclers to both fishing villages.
Terrain backup
Radtown3 terrain integration WIP
Satdish island tunnel revamp, loot and other fixes
Remaining SE splatting & height tweaks
Road tunnel entrance placeholder biome tinting
Coastline mini monument pass
Fixed troublesome Z spots in road network
Added biome tinting to road & tunnel network
Standalone Airwolf compound
New launch site finishing bits.
Nixed old one.
Remaining new compound setup
Nixed old one
Compound interactables improvements/cleanup WIP
Desert mini monuments pass
Loot & cover point pass
Terrain bug fixes
Miltun surroundings splats
More miltunnel surroundings
Terrain around miltunnels
Miltunnel surface progress.
Transform copypaste editor script.
Military tunnel broken prefab fix & facelift WIP
Southwest of refinery refresh
Refinery asset cleanup & polish