
1,008 Commits over 3,684 Days - 0.01cph!

2 Years Ago
caboose update: re-arranged pokertable and blackjack table altered the height of the slotmachine table removed poker table and blackjack table DetailColliders added green rug skin material and textures added cantina stool albedo skin -> from red to brown added shelf in cage and candles updated prefab and scene
2 Years Ago
scene update
2 Years Ago
caboose update updated string lights altered stanchions to fit in with the new positions updated collision added new doorways
2 Years Ago
caboose update updated blackjack collision mesh updated caboose collision mesh for ceiling, allowing jumping removed light where blackjack now sits updated prefabs
2 Years Ago
update to caboose simplified collision mesh - no longer a copy of wagon mesh offset poker table and moved the blackjack table opposite and offset from the poker table
2 Years Ago
updated the material list so that the wood panels on the outside of the caboose are using a lighter variation of the atlas_wood material so improve contrast and colour
2 Years Ago
Caboose update: removed old coupler and added new couplers to either end of caboose removed old trucks and added new trucks updated prefab
2 Years Ago
accidently inverted caboose weighted normals in blender - now set properly
2 Years Ago
Caboose Update: massively simplified caboose FBX - combining everything to one mesh FYI - blender will break some UV's if all uv's dont have same name when joining
2 Years Ago
Caboose update: added lods for stanchion, blinds and curtains added thin table for slot machines + lods/textures/materials added an alternate version of the slot machine that can be placed on tables (for the above) updates prefabs accordingly
2 Years Ago
▊▆▉▉▉ ▅▋▉▋
2 Years Ago
▌▋ ▇▅▌▇▉▌ ▉▋ ▉▉▉ ▅▄▍▉ ▍▇▄█▅▌▇▅
2 Years Ago
▇█▊▌▇▉▄ ▇██▌▋▌ - ▉▇▆▄▇ ▇▊▇▍▋▄▄▅▊▇ ▌▌▋ ▇▋▇▊ █▍█▊▆ - ▉▋▌▊▇ ▆▉▌▍▉▌ █▉▊▌▇▋ - ▊▌▆▌▊█▊▊█ ▄▉▌ ▌▇▊▊▄▅▊▄ ▄▋▋ ▊▋█▇ (▄▆▌ ▄▉▇▊▆▉ █▇▌▆▆▍▌▅, ▄▍▄▅ ▅▌█▉▅ ▇▊ ▌▅▉▄▆) - ▄▉█▊▍▍ ▉▆▄▅▆ ▋▆█▌▄ ▍▉▊ ▌▇▆▌█▇
2 Years Ago
▍▊▍▆█ ▉█▆▉ ▌▊▌▌ ▆▉▇ ▅▊▉ ▍▌▆▌▊▋▍▉ ▋▆ ▆▅█▍▋▇▊ ▌▌ ▋▌ █▍▆ █▉▌▋▌▋▄ - ▇▊▄▊▄▊▋▆.▉█▍
2 Years Ago
▉▋▄▇▋▆▌ ▊▍▅█▍█ ▄▊▆▊▋▉▉ ▍▅▊▋ - ▅▅▋▌▍█ █▋▅ ▌█▄▆▉ ▇▌▄▊▄▆▄ ▇▅▆▅▅▄▍▅▄ ▊█ ▅▇▆ ▉█▄ ▊█▋▊ ▌▊▊▉▍▄ ▇▋'▉▆▄ ▇▊▋ ▄▉-▋▌█ █▊ ▄▆▄▌▍▇▌█ ▄▍▊▉▇█▉ ▊▉ ▆▄▊█ ▉▇▇▋▊█ ▉▍▆▌▄▆▄ ▋█▉▊▄▊▉▆ - ▉ ▇█▌ ▇▇█▍ ▅▊▇▌, ▅█▌▊▅ ▇▍▆▉▋▄.
2 Years Ago
missing .mat
2 Years Ago
deployable shared table map - placeholder map texture / materials - initial prefab setup
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
converted materials to spec just in case it becomes skinnable
2 Years Ago
added medium and small weapon locker variations now there is a 3 variations large/medium/small same height and depth, just smaller in width.
2 Years Ago
weapon locker storage update - materials and textures - collision setup - prefab - still need to do lods and gibs
2 Years Ago
Gun locker test - folder setup - initial model test
2 Years Ago
Wall Mountable Gun Rack Added: -Gun rack variants A + B (wood and Metal) - Rack Pegs small and large - Rack Shelving and variants (plastic and metal): Large/small/small segmented/small segmented half size - Prefabs of each variant, collision setup and textures/materials
2 Years Ago
▋▌█▋▊▅▅ ▍▋▇▇▋▆ - ▋▇▍▅▋ ▌▇▄▇ █▄▊▇▄▅ ▊▇▇▋▍▉ - ▌█▇▋▉ ▍▇▅▍▋▊▇▅ ▌▌ ▌▇█▇▉▊█ ██▄▇▅▄ - ▇▇▄▊ ▌▋▌▌ ▉█▆ ▍▍▍▇▊ ▇▇▅▅ ▆▌▍ ▍▇▇▌█▍▍▊ ▆▌▇▋ ▊▋▄█ █▍ ▍▆▍▅█▊▊ - ▄▋▄▋▅▍▌ ▉▇ ▅▆ █▌█▍ ▉▋ ▍▄▉▅ ▋▍ ▇▌▋▆▆▉ - ▄▋▍▋▆ ▇▆▍▍▄▌ █▆ ▆▊▌▄▉ ▉▄▊▆▅▇▄▉ ▇▌▋▌ ▇▊ ▉▍▇█▆▊▊ - ▄▊▊▋▍ ▆▅▌█▇▉▋▆▋▅ ▌▋▉▊▋▊▄ █▆▄▋▅▍ ▇▌▅ ▉▇▍ █▇▍█▆▄▍ ▊▌ █▅▅ ▅▍█▄ ▉▌▊▍▍ ▄ ▆█▋ ▆▄▆▉ ▊▅▍▇▆▆▋▌ ▇▆▉.
2 Years Ago
▍▄▍▄█▄▆ ▌▅▉▌▌▊ - ▅▋▆▇█ ▋▅▊▅ ▆▌▄▅▍▋▄▉ ▉▅▉▉▊▄▋▊▅▊▉ - █▇▍▉▊ ▉▊▆▉▇ ▆▊▊▄▌ ▋▅▄ ▆ ▄█▋▉▄▋, ▆▄▉▊█ ▋▆▄▉ ▆▌ ▇▆▇ ▉▇▉▉ ▆▆ ▉▍▉▌▇ ▊▉▍▊▄▋▌ ▌▌▇▉▄ ▉▄ ▉▄▉▄ - ▋▍█▌▊ ▋▊▍▅▇▋▅▇▉▋ ▇▌▆ (▇█▉▉)
2 Years Ago
▍▊█▋▅▅▄ ▆▄▇ █▇█▅▆▊▌ ▍▄█▇▄ ▄▄ ▉▄█▇▅█▆▉ ▉▍▍ ▍▄▉▍█▇█▄▄ ▇▊▄▆▌
2 Years Ago
▇▇▋▉▊▆▉ ▋▌▍▋▉▋ ▊▉▍█▆▄▄ ▆▋▌▋██▊ ▊▍▊▍▇ ▅▍▉▍▆ - ▌▋▍▉▆ █▍▌▋▋▅ ▋▄▆▉ ▋▇▌ ▉▉▄▄▆▊ ▍▌▆▄██ ▌▄ ▊▋ ▉▉▅█▄▇▌ - ▌▋▊█▍ ▌▇▇ ▉▋▅▍█▅▌█ ▆▊▇▆▍█▆▍ ▄▅▇ ▋▍▊ ▌▋▆▊▅▇▉ ▆▍▄ - ▍▊▌▊▋ ▅▅▉▋▄▍▌ ▊▅▍██ ▋▇▌▉▉▇▍ ▌▇▊▋▄█▌ ▍▊ ▆▆▆ ▊▉▅ - ▍▍▋▍▍ ▊▄▅▅▊▋▌▌ ▍▅▉▇▆▌ ▌██ █▉▆▅▍▅▇▌ - ▋▌▌▉▇▌▋▊█ ▆▌▆ ▉▅▆▉▄▍▉ ▋▍▍▋ - ▋▋▉▉▅ ▊▋▋▌▋▇ ▍▍▄▆▊ ▆▋ ▋▌▉ ▍▆▍▆▇▊▅▍ ▉▊▍▌▄▄▌ (▌▇▊▍▋▉▍▉ ▅▆▇▉▌▇▇▍ ▅▅▅ ▌▉▉▆▌▄▉▋▆▄) - █▄▌▍▇ ▋▌▅▋▄▍▍▋, ▋▄▍▅▇▉▆▊ ▋▊▌ ▆▆▆▅▋▍▅▌▋ - █▋▅█▊█ ▉█▌▇▄▆▌▌▌ ▅▍▌▆▅, ▄█▋█▄▊▅▉▋ █▌▌ ▅▆▆▄▍█▉▌. ▍ ▋▌▇▊ ▊██ █▍ ▌▄ ▍▊▊▍▍▋ █▍▇▄▋ ▇▉▆ ▄▉▉▋▅█▇▇ (▅▆▊█▋▇▆▊ ▅▋▉ ▌ ▍▉▊▇▄ ▆▄ ▉▉▍▍█) ▋▇▊▍▌://▊▌█▊▉.█▇▇▉▍▅▊▊▌.▄▋▊/▆▉▍▆▋▌█▋▋▆/▆▅▊█▋▇▌█/▍▅▅▇▄▆▍.█▇▍
2 Years Ago
▌▊█▊▋▉█ ▇▆▉▄▍▆ - ▊▍▅▆▉▇▄ ▆▍▍▅▅▍▇ - ▄█▌▇▍█▋ ▍▅▌▌▆▄▅▇ ▉▍▅▇▇▇█▇█ - ▋▉▌▅▌ ▊▇█▌ ▅█▍ ▇▅▄ ▉▉▊ ▋▇ ▇▆▆ ▌▍▇▄▍▌▉ -▄▉▅█▊█▉ ▉▄ ▉███▍▋▇ ▆▋▄ ▋▌▊▋▍▅▉ ▆▄ ▅▉▊▇ - ▊▆▅▍▌ ▍▉▉▄▄▉▆ ▌▌▋ ▇▅▊▄ ▆▍▄▋█ - ▋▅▆▄▆ ▉▇▉▌ ▅▌▅▌ ▋▉ ▇▅▉▋ ▋▄▉ ▅▆▋▍▌ ▉█ ▇█▉ ▉▊▅▋▊█▇ (█▊▄▇ ▋▄ ▊▉▇▅ ▋▅▇▆▍▇) ▆▍ ▄▇ ▆▋▋▅ ▉▊▆▊▅▊ ▋▋▊▆ ▇▅▄ ▅█▅▅███(▊) - ▆▄▆▉ ▆▌▋ ▊▄▄ ▋▌▌▋▄▌▍▇ ▋▇▄█ - ▅▍▌▇▅▉▌ ▆▌'▆ ▇█ ▇▊▍▄▌▋▍▄ ▊▆▊ ▆▅▇▇▇▅▄▋
2 Years Ago
further fixes to locomotive
2 Years Ago
- Fixed last remaining mesh flickering issues - fixed some errors with vertex painting irregularities (on the side vents and fuel for example) - fixed some gaps in the mesh allowing you to see through
2 Years Ago
▄▇▄▋▌▋▆ ▄█▉▆▌▋▆▇ ▅▉▇▋▍▍ ▋▉█▊▌▍ ▍▄▉▇▋▌▉▇▍▊▇ ▉▊▅▊█ ▌▉▇▆▊▄▄▍▄, █▊▉▇▋▊▄▄, ▌▆▄▌▆▉▍, ▆▍█▉▆▌▄ ▋▇▆▊, ▌▇▊▆▌ ▍▊▆▇ ▆▍▍▅▄ ▇█▌▍▉▊▊ ▄█▍▋▊▉▋▅▇ ▌▅▄ ▅▋▋▇▉ █▅▆▍▅ ▋▇ ▍▆▉ ▌▇▅▌▋▊ ▄▌▌▋ ▉▅▇▌ ▅▄▇ ▋ ▍▄▇▉▅▇█
2 Years Ago
dressed the locomotive interior, removed batched renderer script - no more junk flying off added some wiring
2 Years Ago
Adding set dressing to the cabin interior give a bit more pop and zaz
2 Years Ago
Cabin Control Revision -Raised the height of the control panel + lever -reduced the height of driver chair -updated prefab
2 Years Ago
LOD2 rework for exterior LOD rework for cabin
2 Years Ago
LOD1 rework 1 more to go
2 Years Ago
Altered Locomotive design Cabin Door now always open, and now has a rear access directly opposite front entrance improving flow of traversal Altered the Collision Mesh to now accommodate the above changes Re-uv'd UV2 & rebaked AO for UV2 of both the exterior and interior, and adjusted vertex painting. I'll need to change all of this for the lower lods too. Adjusted all the materials for the above changes. updated prefab
2 Years Ago
adjusted floating geometry to prevent flickering added workcart chair into locomotive cabin so player can be seated updated locomotive prefab
2 Years Ago
finished lods remade prefab
2 Years Ago
adjusted decal material cutoff from .25 to .55
2 Years Ago
updated locomotive prefab -disabled BoxExtras Collision entity under DetailedColliders to enable smooth traversal
2 Years Ago
updated decal sheet to include "Cabin Access" + signage as a visual indicator for players to access locomotive controls added a couple more decals to the black tank under the locomotive to indicate where to refuel.
2 Years Ago
Updated train mesh -whilst not being able to see the mesh flickering, i've adjust the offset to the problem areas highlighted by Paddy
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
import settings change for lever
2 Years Ago
Train Control Lever Setup
2 Years Ago
█▊▍▄▄▉▆ ▅▇▆▆▆▍▍▇ ▄█▇▆▉▉▌ ▇▅█▅ ▆▊▍█▅ ▉▇▄█▊ ▅▉▋▋▌▇ ▋▄▆▊▇▅█▄ ▄▋ █▉█ ▉▇▋▊ ▍▇ ▊▅▍ ▅▋▌▍, ▉▊ ▌▌▉▉▋ ▅▅ ▆▍▋▋▄▆▍▇ █▄ ▌▉▌ ▇█▌▌ ▇▆▅▋▍█▌█▉▋ ▅▆▆▌▌▇█▄ ▋▍▅▆▇▆▊ ▋▊▍▇▊▆█ ▄▊▆ █▍▇▆█▍ ▇▉ █▋ ▄▅▅ ▄▆█▆▊▍ ▋▄ ▌▍▄▆.
2 Years Ago
▌▋▌█▊▍▍▊ ▄▅▄▌▌█▆ ▅▅█▆▇▅▅▌ ▅▅▆▊▋▅▍▄ ▋▅▍ ▇▉▊█▆▄▉▉ ▄▋▊▄▇▄ ▅▊▋█▆ ▍▌▋▍▋://▇█▇▅▉.▄▅▆▋▍▄▊█▊.▅▅▌/▉▅▄▉▄▌▉▊▉▆/▊█▆▄▊▉▍▅/▋▊▇▄▍▊▇▆▇▄█▅▄▆▄▄▇▊▌▆▆▊.▋█▄
2 Years Ago
█▉▌▅▆▌█▊▆ ▅▉█▅▍ ▇▆▆▉ ▅▍▆ ▉▍▆▅▋▄ ▆▅▊▊▄, █▋▊▅▍▄▇▇▉
2 Years Ago
▍▉▌▋▋▋ ▍▋ ▍▍▇▇ ▅▍▄▆ ▆▋▍▋▉▉█▆ ▌▊▋▉, ▌'▍▇ ▆▇▍▋█▅▊▆▊▄ ▇▊▍▅ ▍▄▍▆ ▌██▅█▇ █▅ ▉▌▄ ▍█▌▄ ▉▅ ▄▆▆▊▄ ▉█ ▆▊▅ ▍▉▅▌▊▋▇▍ ▉▌▄ ▍▉▇▇▉▋▆▊ ▊▉▊▇ ▄▍ ▌▋▊ ▋▍▍▌▋▆.