
1,048 Commits over 3,775 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Years Ago
updated train fbx with complete control panel lods updated train prefab Just need to sort out the control panel needles
3 Years Ago
Lods for the exterior and interior of the cabin (excluding controls) combined a lot of the meshes baked LOD to reduce materials down to 1 material for the exterior of the train added textures for bakedLOD reconstructed the prefab
3 Years Ago
train lods update and progress prefab update
3 Years Ago
update to LODs
3 Years Ago
Train LODs progress -Lod1 seems to transition nicely with very little vertex colour mask blend popping -Prefab update
3 Years Ago
centred train transforms so now there's no offset from the middle of the train -same for collision mesh removed unnecessary material for control panel adjusted decal material updated train prefab
3 Years Ago
updated decal mesh and decal texture
3 Years Ago
added new control panel with controls textures train prefab update
3 Years Ago
removed unnecessary textures in the green control panel material added more decals to the decal albedo for the train (still more room for variety and control panel dials) updated train mesh with some more decals on the exterior and on the cabin interior.
3 Years Ago
-Adjusted height of the box geometry surrounding the coupler to match couplers on workcarts -separated out the light materials red/green/white and also headlights so they can be controlled as necessary
3 Years Ago
updated train mesh -removed some geometry that wasn't needed in cabin -added some displaced floor tiles to the walkways so it's not so even
3 Years Ago
rebaked out uv2 ao for the train - mucho nicer now fixed a couple vertex paint issues updated prefab
3 Years Ago
extended the length of the train from 16m to 19m and adjusted the mesh detailing accordingly updated collider to compensate for this updated stripe texture to properly compensate for length of train and required size of stripes need to rebake the uv2 ao
3 Years Ago
update to cabin interior and control base added green variation albedo and metallic of trim (querying this if it's needed but keeping for now)
3 Years Ago
material and prefab update tweaked some materials adjusted ladder volume to not intersect with mesh collider
3 Years Ago
new ao texture mask
3 Years Ago
improved uv2 ao on main train updated mesh
3 Years Ago
Updated train model Detailed cabin interior surroundings separated cabin interior entirely from train mesh, now has its own uv2 ao prepping for controls being modelled fixed some gaps in the mesh
3 Years Ago
updated train mesh with glass for the cabin added glass material reusing already existing glass textures adjusted train mesh added ladder volume at rear to gain access to the top of the train from that side
3 Years Ago
Removed unused assets reduced the number of new textures to be used organised train specific folders so it's navigable and tidier Reduced texture sizes updated train mesh, reduced gaps in the mesh and improved vertex painting red and blue channels now work as expected added collision mesh added uv2 ao map to ground train a bit more added additional decals around the train
3 Years Ago
added black version of oilrig_trims_diff texture added black/darker versions of the workcart material set (WorkCart Black/WorkCart Dark 2/WorkCart_Decals_black)
3 Years Ago
Train mesh and texture progress
3 Years Ago
train model and texture progress created new tileable textures simplified meshes so to not rely on unique baked textures but to make use of new tileable texture(s) textures currently unoptimized (too big atm for the purpose of testing and progress)
3 Years Ago
made adjustments to levels 3 and 5 and updated collision mesh Added landing pad on level 3 and better visualisation for the duck that's necessary to compensate for the collision on the pylon so it's no longer an invisible wall
3 Years Ago
including collison mesh update also a small metal box to two platforms where the cables connect.
3 Years Ago
zipline platform update increased the length of the wirestop to prevent clipping (may need increasing) adjusted top level to enable both sides for zip arrival/exit
3 Years Ago
snowmobile update separated front and rear lights into their own materials (not textures) so they can be lit independently merged the lights to the main mesh so it's only 1 prefab instead of multiple. hopefully not broken anything
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
minicopter improvement wip taking a look at fixing some minicopter mesh issues greatly improved uv's and normal maps retexture wip
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
added alternate portable boombox now able to animate the volume knob, play button, rotate the cassette opening, power button and both antenna included higher res textures and materials with custom settings. prefab setup
3 Years Ago
added lights to the makeshift snowmobile, both front lights and a rear break light. lods, textures and materials. Updated prefab
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
created a new landmine asset to replace the old landmine models, textures, material, LODs and prefab setup
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
added a new drybox container to replace the buoyant backpack that appears when subs are destroyed model, textures, lods, collision and prefab setup
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
update to icicle meshes reduced the depth and reach to work better on railings fixed a normal flipped mesh
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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