31,547 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.33cph!
reduced shotgun headshot sound volume
added landmine icon
increased shotgun aim sway
slightly reduced shotgun slug damage
decreased bone club impact sound
added new icons for bone club and riot helmet
increased grass displacement on traps
Disabled smooth LOD transitions on certain close-range decor
added landmine
added minor grass displacement to traps
traps no longer show health
bone club resource harvesting balance
fixed some errors on the bone club
torch has slightly more durability when hitting things (8 hits instead of 5)
rock no longer loses condition when harvesting flesh
bone knife range increased
added bone club
added riot helmet - not as good against bullets but great against melee
torch does bonus damage when on, but destroys quickly
shotgun slug is more accurate
coffee can helmet cost reduced
increased quarry audio range
Missing landmine meta file
Merge from procgen9
Always yield one frame after processing one patch in grass and decor spawning
Replaced bloom image effect with a custom fork of it that doesn't blur everything
Reverted change 9046 because it's a silly approach (we should switch out floor meshes conditionally instead of creating / destroying objects)
Building conditional model placeholders disappear when conditional models spawn
fixed the positioning on some of the wapons so they sit in the hand better when viewed from 3rd person
made some tweaks to the 3rd person attack anims for pickaxe
Landmine + everything except lods
fire does more damage
fire slows down
fire has light
fire has different sizes
fixed supply drop dropping too many mining quarries
supply drops drop more survey charges
fire rocket travels the same speed as the basic rocket
Exposed specular color in water material
Made water and terrain wetness specular highlights non-nuclear
Weather override console commands take floats
Increased LOD grid cell size (perf test)
updated plate armour textures/materials
updating metal plate helmet textures/materials
worldmodel prefab for the bone club
tweaked some animations for the bone club viewmodel
Don't play player flinch sounds for now (so we don't have manly grunting females)
First pass at stag sounds
Fixed missing reflections and stars
test fix for ragdoll spazzing
Increased brightness of the stars (lost in tonemapping)
Tweaked moon brightness some more
Tweaked moon brightness at day and night
finished the animations and sounds for the bone club viewmodel
Fixed blueprints not loading proper
Tweaking some texture sizes
Forcing a network++ because servers aren't updating and then blaming us for their clients crashing
user persistance unit test
Changing shader load order
user persistance unit test
user persistance unit test
Don't lower torch viewmodel right into the line of sight when running while it's lit
Fixed rockets not dying after exploding
Fixed occasional NREs when generating manifest
Fixing crash on import casued by FindAssets in OnValidate
Fixed infinite loop crash (sorry guys, totally my fuck up, patch coming)
viewmodel for the bone club
Fixed chat history not culling proper
Added server command "blueprintimport" to force importing blueprints from the old system if needed