
31,515 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.33cph!

10 Years Ago
Fixed not always admin in editor (for proper) Fixed GameTrace hitting triggers Fixed server projectile not getting cleaned in editor
10 Years Ago
EAC latest
10 Years Ago
Recycle sound objects instead of always instantiating new ones
10 Years Ago
fixed the bug where tapping crouch while running would not play footstep sounds. fixed a bug with the rocket launcher holdtype name conflicting with the rock holdtype
10 Years Ago
Fix sounds cutting out when the object they're attached to is destroyed
10 Years Ago
Added Vince's L/U type stairs
10 Years Ago
And the same for foundation triangle/steps
10 Years Ago
Foundations use old block collisions until mesh is fixed
10 Years Ago
Window bars collider changes properly (apart from toptier but it's on Vince's list)
10 Years Ago
Fixed building effects not showing
10 Years Ago
Forgot to network++
10 Years Ago
added rocket launcher and rocket icons updated particle effects rocket now has long lasting trail
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up sign code Painted textures are stored by CRC Client caches painted textures to disk
10 Years Ago
Shooting optimizations Sign deploy exploit fix Fixed signs being able to support each other floating in the air Profiling
10 Years Ago
Fixed not failing to connect properly when server full
10 Years Ago
Fixed some blueprints being usable in belt bar
10 Years Ago
merge into main, buckle up
10 Years Ago
Add player injury sounds and first-person wounded sound effect
10 Years Ago
added dryfire state to the rocketlauncher viewmodel
10 Years Ago
added ironsights variable to the rocket launcher viewmodel
10 Years Ago
rocket launcher 3rd person animations set up in mecanim rocket lanucher world model done.
10 Years Ago
Player is always a developer in editor
10 Years Ago
Fixed player animation params sometimes being infinity
10 Years Ago
added jumping / running / turn in place animations for rocket launcher setup the meta files for all of the 3rd person rocket launcher anims
10 Years Ago
Improved horizon cloud lighting
10 Years Ago
Fixed div by zero in screenspace water
10 Years Ago
Fixed paint wrapping
10 Years Ago
Moved ConstructionRenderer to the right objects
10 Years Ago
Don't draw on sign if mouse button is still held down from menu selection
10 Years Ago
Decal shader ignores uv < 0
10 Years Ago
Stairs LODs, all skins - prefab integration
10 Years Ago
Fixed flattened volumetric cloud trace in Unity 5
10 Years Ago
Merged MeshPaint into main
10 Years Ago
Fixed sky being brighter towards screen edges
10 Years Ago
Added toggle for the sharpen image effect
10 Years Ago
Cloud update
10 Years Ago
updated collision surfaces pivot
10 Years Ago
Signs model update, removed decal surface, use UV2, added collisions for surface area
10 Years Ago
trying to chat while chat is disabled no longer locks your input up
10 Years Ago
rope material tweaks
10 Years Ago
Created the remaining stair prefabs and folders
10 Years Ago
Adding the new stair models for metal, twig, top tier, stone skins
10 Years Ago
running and jumping 3rd person animations for rocket launcher
10 Years Ago
wounding last damage type carried over to death medical tools will revive players when used on them in wounded state
10 Years Ago
crouchwalk / jog animations for the rocket luncher
10 Years Ago
Debugging tools
10 Years Ago
3rd person reload / deploy / attack animations for the rocket launcher
10 Years Ago
memory leak tests
10 Years Ago
added running + leaning left/right animations for the rifle tweaked the rifle crouchwalk animations
10 Years Ago
added more special fx for the rocket launcher created the world model and LODS for the rocket launcher