
5,400 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.06cph!

6 Years Ago
river reeds popuplation tweaks
6 Years Ago
procmap reeds prefabs to replace temporary river prefabs
6 Years Ago
Reeds models/textures/materials/impostors
6 Years Ago
Swamp trees impostors
6 Years Ago
swamp population density
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
topology edits to craggy island
6 Years Ago
spawn.v2 edit
6 Years Ago
swamp trees population prefabs
6 Years Ago
dirtied up fusebox
6 Years Ago
electric wiring modular kit meshes/prefabs
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Updated prefabs : TimerSwitch, Splitter, ORSwitch, DoorManipulator, ANDSwitch
6 Years Ago
Updated simple switch prefab
6 Years Ago
puzzle circuits models/textures/mats
6 Years Ago
Fixed barricades positions
6 Years Ago
Fixed trainyard rooftop exploit
6 Years Ago
Fixed roof jump exploit at WTP
6 Years Ago
Shifted recyclers out on Powerplant and Sewer Branch
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Removed RendererBatch scripts from pipe sets
6 Years Ago
Some visual polish
6 Years Ago
Loot balance outside puzzles
6 Years Ago
Fixed an exploit where you could loot a through a window on Powerplant
6 Years Ago
Fix to Powerplant puzzle flow
6 Years Ago
Final check over generators
6 Years Ago
removed legacy barricades in mines at MT
6 Years Ago
Fix to Powerplant puzzle flow
6 Years Ago
Fix to Airfield puzzle flow Reverted generators player pos transforms across levels unless using a different transform location
6 Years Ago
Fixed a blocker at Trainyard main building staircase
6 Years Ago
Shifted food crate away from recycler at MT
6 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab monuments
6 Years Ago
changed puzzles reset time to 30 minutes
6 Years Ago
Fixed bypasses at WTP Fixed blocking fence gate at compound Fixed upward bypass at trainyard main building Fixed/Removed security door at airfield tower
6 Years Ago
Extra LOD to switch to help with readability on low settings
6 Years Ago
sat dish scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
Card reader bounds/collider deeper
6 Years Ago
Monuments reset procedure setup
6 Years Ago
T0 Monuments reset procedure setup
6 Years Ago
Updated barricades spawners
6 Years Ago
minor draw distance improvements
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Some fixes/blockers
6 Years Ago
Card readers glowing colors/intensity tweaks
6 Years Ago
Morning bag'o fixes
6 Years Ago
Trainyard puzzle flow improvement
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed issues with input slot selection on doors and timer switches
6 Years Ago
pipe_pole tweak
6 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab monuments