
5,400 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.06cph!

8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Moving stuff Cave gravel models/Prefabs Cave small rocks prefabs Material tweaks, dressing
8 Years Ago
del unused model
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
cherry picking diogo's fix to 4way blend
8 Years Ago
rock_ledge model/textures/LODs/COL/Prefab
8 Years Ago
misc progress/backup
8 Years Ago
merge from dungeon_art_3
8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
merge from ambient light volumes
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Slide/jump decal textures irradiated sacs textures
8 Years Ago
rock flat texture set (for cave floors)
8 Years Ago
Caves - Stalagmites/tites textures/models/LODs/COLs and prefabs
8 Years Ago
Caves - more puzzle rooms greybox
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
greybox material
8 Years Ago
Natural Caves greybox set progress (models, calibration)
8 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-984 - Roof prefabs not casting shadows from the sides
8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
Lighthouse monument visual update/polish
8 Years Ago
Evac pipes in canyon now cull MT roll up doors now cull fixed some facility rooms in MT not culling big numbers decals on walls and doors in MT now cull fixed a not culling wall block and industrial prop in trainyard bottom powerplant chimney pillars do not cull (no more floating chimneys)
8 Years Ago
Satellite dish additional LODs for extra long distance Changed rock material type on terrain rocks in scene
8 Years Ago
Less emissive on wall mounted light
8 Years Ago
Fixed annoying collapsed chainlinkfence collider, smooth running now
8 Years Ago
RUST-1270 Attempted fix for oil barrels in hangar 1 Couple of decal fixes
8 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-1264
8 Years Ago
Removed non procmap busstop from airfield'
8 Years Ago
bus height adjustment (models)
8 Years Ago
Collider split on bus stop to accomodate for transparent colliders Removed dirt decals
8 Years Ago
Busstop prefab was missing a decal renderer script
8 Years Ago
Monument topology spread on power substations
8 Years Ago
Canyon sewer big rooms lighting/covers pass
8 Years Ago
crystal prefab material looks less cartoony (material copy)
8 Years Ago
Sewer big rooms prefabs with reverb and Ttriggers
8 Years Ago
WTP, Trainyard,Canyon, Powerplant : removed custom terrain triggers and manual ladder triggers for sewers Pigeon nest includes ladders / missing Ttrigger on one sewer block
8 Years Ago
MT scene update
8 Years Ago
Sewers prefabs now include reverb and terrain triggers
8 Years Ago
Added missing terrain triggers in facility rooms Added reverb triggers to both mine tunnels and military tunnels prefab
8 Years Ago
RUST-1255 Fix
8 Years Ago
Spiral stairs block - proof of concept
8 Years Ago
RUST-1254 Fix attempt stone doorway
8 Years Ago
RUST-1255 Fix attempt ladder hatch
8 Years Ago
further fixes to MT Tunnels
8 Years Ago
Fixed holes in tunnel slope section Military tunnels signs models and textures MT Scene Update
8 Years Ago
rocks_ms_atlas_snow uses rust shader
8 Years Ago
Tweaks to trainyard colours Closed off the lighthouse for now
8 Years Ago
Merge from dungeon_art3 Main camera update (missing Deferred Mesh Decal Renderer) Lighthouse ladder volumes Network++
8 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab monuments