
5,764 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.07cph!

9 Years Ago
Autospawn decor checkin
9 Years Ago
More distance tweaking, autospawn and dungeons
9 Years Ago
Decor autospawn rock distances adjustments
9 Years Ago
Rocks compression Dungeons rocks LOD distance adjustments
9 Years Ago
Scene2prefab dungeons
9 Years Ago
Big batch of dungeons LODs and drawcalls reduction
9 Years Ago
back up added frames test scene
9 Years Ago
Prepare prefabs Forgot icons
9 Years Ago
Added wall.frame to planner Added wall.frame icon
9 Years Ago
building parts use atlased material and Renderer LOD
9 Years Ago
wall.frame linking and collisions paths
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
New Building frames prefabs setup WIP Animations and additional files
9 Years Ago
new building parts current files progress
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
RUST 487 - No collision on silos at train yard fixed
9 Years Ago
road_decals alpha cut-off quality improvements
9 Years Ago
Converted all standard shaders dungeons/monuments materials to rust/standard type
9 Years Ago
roads textures - some extra polish, overall less noisy
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-434 - Satellite dish - Unable to walk up stairs
9 Years Ago
Fixed missing prefabs (broken references) in SatDish scene Prefab update
9 Years Ago
RUST-474 - Missing concrete wall collisions
9 Years Ago
road sidewalk blend mask polish
9 Years Ago
vertex normals alignement fix - road piece asphalt and road_decal gloss map polish road round layer material fix (wasn't deep enough)
9 Years Ago
roads misc changes
9 Years Ago
merge of roads and railroads progress from pre-release
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
Prefab scenes update Roads dont cast shadows
9 Years Ago
Road LODs
9 Years Ago
train wagon greybox UV update
9 Years Ago
Updating greybox meshes to have proper ground UVs
9 Years Ago
RUST-449 - Fixed broken path to pipe colliders
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
sidewalk textures final road models (still needs a LOD pass) dungeons tweaks/updates for roads
9 Years Ago
road_decal textures road asphalt textures
9 Years Ago
fixed railroad tracks objects interupting procmap loading
9 Years Ago
railroad tracks models/LODs/Textures and dungeons update
9 Years Ago
Trainyard - fixed missing pipe collisions and deadfall
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-413 - Various dungeons sewers gaps
9 Years Ago
forgot this meta buddy
9 Years Ago
Removing old rocks prefabs folder
9 Years Ago
Removing old rock models and textures Rock_temp folder rename
9 Years Ago
Craggy Island update Savas/Savas Koth update Sat dish material fixes Hapis
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
Hapis rocks - end
9 Years Ago
Hapis rocks - backup
9 Years Ago
Fix for material setup throwing errors in edit mode
9 Years Ago
Hapis rocks - backup
9 Years Ago
merge from main