5,909 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.06cph!
Enabled pooling on player corpse entity and ragdoll object
Optimized SkinnedMultiMesh.UpdateLODGroup
Fixed entity registry issues when entity is destroyed
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Added poolable component to party hat
Added poolable component to scarecrow outfit, wearable barrel and dragon mask
Added poolable component to burlap gloves, roadsign gloves and tactical gloves
Player server fall uses MovePosition instead of setting transform.position and calling a network update directly
Player client cycle runs every frame for sleepers that are falling (smooth player model position update)
Added debris to all wall frame inserts to block placement of new wall frame inserts for 30 seconds after they have been destroyed
Unregister entity from entity registry as the last thing in DoEntityDestroy (otherwise GameObjectEx.ToBaseEntity can yield incorrect results on parented entities when destroying)
Unload certain large static prefabs after loading the map
Added forceposition convar (toggle player snapback when position is rejected by AH, only recommended for testing)
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Added debris to walls and doors to block placement of new walls and doors for 30 seconds after they have been destroyed
Added debris entity system to block placement of new entities after an entity has been destroyed (debrisdespawn convar, default=30s)
Added TerrainDistanceMap to CraggyIsland as a test
Added EncodeVector2i / DecodeVector2i to BitUtility
Moved Vector2i, Vector2b, Vector3i, Vector3b to Facepunch.System
Fixed ores spawning inside hilltop rocks to finally shut up holmzy
EAC SDK update, third attempt
TOD_Rays and TOD_Scattering are client only components
Optimized item skin list loading (when selecting items in the crafting menu)
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks
Don't play stash hide / unhide sound when it spawns on the client
Fixed a problem with corpses spawning partially inside stuff
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Save / load water junkpiles
Fixed Linux release build getting written to debug folder (classic andre)
Fixed censorship pixelation sometimes getting enabled even though underwear is enabled (for example when equipping bone armor)
Fixed game manifest update not assigning prefab IDs (regression from Unity's new prefab system)
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Fixed NPC moving all fucked when traversing navmesh link (classic)
TriggerParent doesn't parent entities that are already parented (to fix cargo ship water junkpile issues)
Fixed NPC entities snapping to world origin while traversing navmesh links
Delayed junkpile loot spawn slightly to avoid null group warnings from JunkPileWaterSpawner parenting
Added physics.ragdollmode to set client side ragdoll collision mode
Changed physics.droppedmode to integer, now also support "continuous" (1) and "continuous speculative" (3)
Workaround for muzzle flash position bug
Added engine time to EnvSync for Diogo